Inkness pelted after him, keepin pace with him. She may not be a cheetah shifter but she was almost as fast as one. She slowed when he stopped, chest heaving and she relaxed her breathing. "I'll be right back" She rumbled softly. "I need some sort of meat to restore myself. And if we have to fight Im gonna need all my strength." She padded into someones yard and stalked foward towards the rabbit she had sotted roaming free. She pounced and turned to Damien. "You're not squeamish are you? She asked around the rabbit in her mouth, referring to her eating it where she could see him. Draco watched as Inkness and Damien too off. He turned to connor and pulled his wings back into his back underneath his jacket. "What can I do to help?" He grinned, violet eyes seeming to glow a bit. Draco took a small box out of his coat pocket and opened it, revealing two contack lenses. He put them in and and looked up, his once purple eyes a crystalline blue with darker rings at the edges. "Makes me less noticeable." He explainex.