[quote=Undying Curiosity] I don't think a Mary Sue character is what you think it means. Mary Sure, Is a very loose term for a character that doesn't really have flaws, and just seems a little to unoriginal in that sense.A quick summary of your characters personality: To nice to fight, Hard worker, Funny, Not Violent, Persuasive. All the things to a to-good-to-be-true characterQuick summary of his Bio: Helps his dad be a carpenter, To busy working hard to have friends, Mother died giving birth, Stronger than average cause he's a hard worker, Big dreams and ambitions, Wants to leave the walls to build a better place for everyone.Your character doesn't really stand out. It's like someone pulled out the main character from a novel. Your character's inefficiencies are even good: Leaning more to pacifism? How is that an inefficiency To top it all off you didn't read the rules >:cI don't intend to be rude or mean or anything, but maybe reading this will help you further develop your character, maybe even rework his CS and have it acceepted. [/quote] no please I thank you for it! finally someone actually tells me what that means! I changed it up I hope its better. I made him bullied a lot and lacks respect. he got teased about it and has anger inside him that he doesn't show if that's not enough I could make my character go through a worse kind of hell to him...