Azuriel stopped when he noticed that he was in another town. It seems like Colver was a nice enough little town that he could stay in for a couple of days. As he walked down the street he decided that he should get familiar with the layout of the town despite it being dark out...he was more of an night owl anyways and he slept almost the entire day away anyways. "There's almost nothing to do here. I can always find something to do while I'm here, or I can find something to do now. I'm not tired at all." He muttered as he turned around to clearly see what was all in the downtown area. When he turned back he rubbed the scars on his left arm without really thinking anything about it as he did. It bothered him that the skin grafts he endured left nasty looking scars, but there was nothing he could really do about it after the fact it already happened. The sound of a bird cawing caused Azuriel to jump as he looked around for what caused the sound.