The mission sounded simple enough, but the Argonian, Ukaraz, was a strong reminder of why Alareine preferred being the lone scout. Working in teams was effective when, well, the team stayed a team. Arnand's forwardness didn't help Alareine feel any better; Alareine shifted uncomfortably in response to the nudge. His comment about money bothered her slightly; she had little trust for mercenaries. However, she'd give Arnand the benefit of the doubt; after all, he hadn't run off like Ukaraz, and seemed to mean well. Rosenna appeared decent enough, but Alareine found it difficult to read the woman. Alareine fumbled around with her hands for a bit after everyone had introduced themselves, before realizing that it only made sense that she did, as well. "Oh. I'm Alareine Arysden. I'm a ranger, of sorts..." Alareine drifted off weakly. She seemed to stumble over her own words, glancing about awkwardly. Alareine hesitated before speaking up again. "We should get moving. That Ukaraz seems like bad news and I don't like him. I'm sure he's already taken the map from the inn, so I would steal the map from him and go on without him. He will bring us down and hand the Crown to the Stormcloaks." Alareine nodded to herself slowly, and motioned towards Whiterun. She remembered briefly that the Legate had mentioned that they could barter for supplies in town; Alareine had no need for supplies, as she had her weapons and could hunt and cook food on her own, though she wasn't sure if Arnand or Rosenna would need supplies.