I think you should allow for his race to be a '?' as we don't know much about the background of gyigas' race overall. But, your character is accepted once we clear that up. --- Name: Dad [img]http://bulk2.destructoid.com/ul/136691-nessdad3.jpg[/img] [hider=Ok...This is Him For Real][img]http://honya-ch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/snake-eastern-europe-costume.png[/img][/hider] Age: 45 Gender: Male Personality: 'Dad' is a very hard-working individual who likes to check up on his family through the phone. He has a rather subtle humor to him, even when he's extremely serious. He occasionally cracks jokes for his family to laugh and love with him, and he isn't afraid to be there for financial support. He will do anything for his family, despite being busy all of the time. Likes: [*]Family[/*] [*]Responsibility[/*] [*]His Job[/*] [*]His wife's cooking[/*] Dislikes: [*]Not being with his kids[/*] [*]A badly cooked meal[/*] Abilities/Talents: None. He just packs the dough, however. You can normally reach him via phone while he's working. Backstory: In the year of 198X, dad had met a very special and attractive young girl in his college years. Being crazed with getting his degree, he had finally found something to keep him preoccupied. Someone so beautiful, so precious, that nothing could replace her... 'Mom'. After meeting with 'Mom', he had not only fell for her charms, her cooking, her good looks, and wits... but she had a secret. She had a little trick, a trick where she could slide a cup across a table without touching it. She always had something new up her sleeve, but he was never sure how she did it. After marrying this perfect woman, he had kids and continued to have a wonderful life from that point. Etc: N/A