Leaning back in the chair she was occupying, Marabelle turned her attention to her husband as he walked through the door. "I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't already." She said in response to his comment regarding Josephine. Smiling softly, she leaned against him, resting her cheek on his shoulder. "She was awake and talking when I came in here this morning. I overheard her telling Jack that she didn't remember anything." Pausing for a moment, she watched Alice's chest rise and fall gently beneath the blankets. "But I'm not really all that surprised. Between the trauma she experienced and her fever, those memories of what really happened may never surface." Marabelle sighed, "Although that may be a good thing. No one needs to have the memories of being restrained and beaten. Or worse." The idea of a man laying a hand on her daughter made her chest tight, "God help them if they did anything else to her." Leaning forward, Marabelle pushed sweaty strands of black hair off of Alice's forehead and out of the wounds there. -------------- Elijah sat at the kitchen table quietly working on his second cup of coffee while Amy was busy in the kitchen. His mind slowly ticked through the events of the past few days and what he had planned for the near future. One thing he couldn't figure out was how he was going to tell the Captain that he wasn't planning on coming back out to sea. The men had all thought it a huge joke when he said he was leaving. Would they give him the choice? Frowning, he looked out the window, watching the fog slowly retreat back over the ocean.