Sarina was bored. Now that the child was gone and it's mother tormented she now had nothing to do. Perhaps another scheme was called for. No. Too much work. She didn't feel like tricking and scheming right now. But she needed to do something to alleviate her boredom... Smiling, she rose up from the water. Standing on the water in the middle of the pool, Sarina began her hypnotic, seductive singing. [i]"Hear my voice on the wind... Hear me call for you... Listen and hear me... Be not afraid, come follow me... Answer my call and I'll set you free... I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain. I am the voice of your hunger and pain. I am the voice that always is calling you. I am the voice... I will remain...[/i] After that she didn't sing anymore words, just volcalized. She could sense someone near, someone that could hear her. If it was male, it was only a matter of time until they came to her. If they were weak-minded they would already be hers upon arrival, entranced to do her bidding. But if they were not... well, that just made it more of a challenge. Eventually though, every man succumbed to her.