Name: Frika Stadheim Gender: Female Age: -Classified- Appearance: [img=] Equipment: Inferno Digi Ring Neural Shredder C'tan Phase Sword Poisoned Microblades Polymorphine drugs Stealth suit Personality: One would expect an assassin of any sort to not be the most friendly, laid back sort of person, but Frika Stadheim is rather notable just because of this. She does not take well to what she considers frivolous wastes of time that don't involve preparation or execution of plans for the enemies of the Inquisitor, and by extension, the Imperium of Man. This unflinching, harsh, and strict outlook on her life and duty make her quite disciplined in the process however, this does not really endear her very much when it comes to team dynamics, which isn't normally a problem for assassins. She takes her job deathly serious, more so than others might, focused solely on the execution of her orders to the letter, and regardless of the complaints and suggestions of those working alongside her. But this strict discipline is useful and not a negative trait in her position, more often than not, so its often tolerated, at worst. Her off duty persona is little different, often compared to just a stick in the mud, catching and dragging everyone else down into her serious, strict mire that is hard to escape easily, if at all. Focused training, changing her appearance via Polymorphine, meditation, study on battle orders, intelligence, and other such business aspects of her job are the sole things most find her undergoing, if they happen to stumble upon her at all. While she is prepared for any moment of a job coming up, more often than not, she is left to her devices, most people not fond of her solemn, apparently shallow outlook on life, even if this is hardly the case. Its, short and simple, that the life of wearing many faces when not amongst close allies, always assassinating and invading the lairs of the enemies of Man, leaves little time for such luxuries that others often enjoy, even those allied to her beyond a vague sense. Position in Retinue: Assassin Name: Anastasia Dona Gender: Female Age: -Classified- Appearance: [img=] Equipment: Exitus Rifle Exitus Pistol Spy Mask Stealth Suit Rosarius Belt Buckle Specialty Ammuntion for Exitus Rifle Personality: As one would also expect of a sniper assassin of the Vindicare caliber, on the job, Anastasia is a highly focused, strict and to the letter member of any mission, alone or in support of others. Much like the Callidus assassin she is often compared to, she is an ice queen that rains death from on high, regardless of the defenses, distance, or difficulties such a task would put between her and her job. At a glance, one would think she was little different in mentality and personality than her fellow assassin, beyond the tools of the trade that each of them are equipped with to do their jobs, but this couldn't be farther from the truth, since unlike her fellow assassin, Anastasia has quite the different outlook and personality once the team is no longer on the battlefield. Away goes the harsh, cold gaze, strict tone of voice and actions, and tense, focused movements and actions. Off duty, as it could be called, Anastasia is quite opposite of her on duty persona. More than comfortable cracking a smile or a joke with others of the team, she often times is far more approachable than one would consider such a lethal combination of death and grace, and she can often use this to her advantage to pull a fast one on others, pulling jokes and other such jests with other members of the group she happens to be traveling and working with at the time. This can be surprising, but when compared to other, far more solemn and unapproachable people in this line of work, she can be considered an Emperor sent gift, someone who actually has a sense of humor and can be worked with outside and during work, assuming one doesn't mind the harsh shift between the two. Position in Retinue: Assassins History: While the efforts of Vindicare Anastasia Dona and Callidus Frika Stadheim before crossing paths with Inquisitor Xersus are classified, its not hard to find information and figure out why they were assigned to his retinue, and why they have not been recalled yet. Veterans in both their fields, Anastasia and Frika were assigned to aid the Inquisitor Xersus upon his request, actual request and not order, for aid on a specialty mission that required unique talent from the Ordo Assassinorum, and since Xersus did not just bluster in, and demand their best, he actually got cooperative aid, since it aligned with their personal goals as well. At the time, Xersus was hunting a cabal of sorcerers hidden amongst the higher Nobles of a hiveworld, those that would have fled well before the Inquisitor could ever have gotten close, and required the special talent of the Callidus. At the same time, they were numerous enough that one Callidus, as lethal as she may be, would not be enough, so they also loaned him a Vindicare, a rare, but not impossible, situation that the Inquisitor found himself in. While Xersus did not expect the generally likable nature of the Vindicare, his plan was set to be put in motion. Anastasia was on overwatch, while Frika had shifted into a maid that was disposed of prior to the mission, and sure enough it worked, Frika got close enough to eliminate the leader of the cabal, and corral the others in the right direction. While the Inquisition moved its forces in on all fronts, it was unnecessary in total. Between the vicious blade work of Frika, and the unwavering marksmanship of Anastasia, not one cabal member lasted the night. Xersus did not immediately inform the Officio Assassinorum of the mission success, although he did in time, the recall order for the two assassins never came. Xersus found this odd, but he did not question it too closely for now, choosing to allow the two to remain part of his personal Retinue, and serve as specialists in their individual fields. Beyond this initial operation, the Vindicare and Callidus would prove more than worth their keep on numerous occassions. From carving down the forces of the Chaos daemons and worshippers, from afar and up close, to sniffing out new members of his task force and retinue, or those he was oft resorting to hunting down for various reasons, he made good use of the Polymorphine using Callidus to sniff out many potential recruits over the years, while the Vindicare made good use of her rifle and scope, picking off threats and keeping an eye on things the Callidus couldn't keep close to without blowing her cover, utilizing the two to spy and keep an eye on those around him, both untrusted and trusted, and they would often times be given orders to watch friends as well as foes, should the need arise. The Inquisitor trusted the two assassins as much as he was willing to trust most of the time, a rare honor to be sure, and one reserved for those who proved their worth. Whether this was earnest, or a hidden agenda by the Officio Assassinorum remains yet to be seen.