"Why you are most certainly welcome, ya big oaf." Ren said with his typical smile. He dug into his own food but caught a few glances of Lorenzo savoring his. That wasn't Ren's style, he only took seconds to down his food, although it was fast it definitely left a bloated feeling in his stomach. He rested his head on the table which usually seemed to lessen his discomfort somehow, and closed his eyes. He couldn't help but overhear the two siblings talking about the new girl, and they're inevitable conversation with her about the demons inside them both. [i]Just can't ever be easy can it?[/i] "Well guys, I know one thing, is that she's going to be freaked out regardless, no offense to either of you. It's just how it is. You are demons, exceptionally nice demons, but demons none the less. Although Cassandra's instincts are probably right with telling her right away, I'm not sure you should. She seems... well.. jumpy. I think she should get the chance to know you, like I did, before you spring that on her. I know I said the opposite when it was for myself, but I honestly think it turned out for the best this way. It let me see the caring and incredibly human side of you before anything else. If she gets to know you both like I do, there's no way she could turn you away. So, for my vote, I choose wait." Ren replied with a shrug, immediately after he settled his head back onto the table.