Blinding light...then nothing. Thats all that kept replaying in her unconscious little mind. Lia had been knocked out after having been saved by Mai. Usually something like this wouldn't be much to a healthy Cursed Child, such as Mai, but Lianna simply wasn't healthy. Lack of food and both her splitting headache and her sensitivity to the sun contributed to her already poor health. When Mai had knocked her out of the way though she had tumbled against the pavement, scratching up her arms and face. She had a cut on her left cheek that was bleeding and the rest of her injuries were either bumps or bruises. Most likely more injuries, but that'd probably require a trip to the hospital to be sure. Her already worn school uniform was even worse, big tears all in it. After some time she slowly roused about the time Marius began yelling, pushing herself shakily up, she shut her eyes tightly trying to make the fuzziness go away. The trash men stood in the alley stunned at what had just happened, they stood there jaws slacked. About the time Marius started yelling and Lia was coming to the garbage truck driver came running around the corner a metal baseball bat in one hand. "Where is that little cu-aah shit..." his voice petered out, his eyes locked on the intimidating man screaming at them.