Azuriel stopped dead in his tracks when he heard singing. Whoever was singing sounded absolutely beautiful and some part of him just wanted to find them. He shook his head to clear himself of the thoughts that ran through his head so he can continue walking. After walking a few more feet Azuriel found that he couldn't ignore it anymore with every step he tried to take. "I'm just going to see who's singing and continue to go on my merry way. No need to be a creep and...stuff." He said to no one but himself when he walked towards the voice. The trip seemed like it took awhile seeing that he couldn't see any of the roots that stuck up and caused him to fall every time his foot found one. As he picked himself up for the last time, he saw a pool of water with the most beautiful woman he could remember seeing standing in the middle. "Umm... Hello? Sorry if I am being a creep or something like that." If this was the one who was singing, then no wonder why he couldn't just ignore it.