[quote=soren] There ya go wayward Oh and Mike I am not sure where you would know me from. I was on the old site but only rped with a friend and I was under a different name then too.[/quote] Both me and him know of someone by the name of "Koren". He thought you were him due to your name being similar. That being said, I know this is sudden, but I decided to drop out of this RP. No, it has nothing to do with the Double situation not too long ago, and no one is to blame. ...Actually, that's not entirely true. I'm technically to blame. I've joined too many things at once, and already promised making and being in another few RPs. Not to mention the projects I need to work on, one of which being a part of my future career as an Author. ...I know, it's a terrible habit I have of biting off more than I can chew. I am terribly sorry for doing this on such short notice, and when things are starting to get into gear. I can't help but feel guilty that I have to do this, but I have to draw a line in my proverbial desert. Do not worry about Kotaro, I'll save Kurai-Sensei and Wayward some steps, and show him out in my own way, assuming we can't just pretend he doesn't exist. (Might take a while though, Should be done by Wednesday if not tomorrow. So consider this my final status update.) Before I go, I have this to say: Soren: Let's start with the new guy: I don't think I properly welcomed you to this RP so allow me to do it now. ...Welcome to the RP, I hope you have fun, and don't let these guys down. ;) Mike: Tendra has had no contact with Kotaro, so I suggest keeping yourself here, despite me not being here. It's easier to find one replacement rather than two. You can do it, man. ^^ Double: ...Yeah, I know he probably won't read this, but I'm doing it anyways: I'm truly sorry about your loss. I lost my own grandmother not that long ago, so I know how painful that can be. Didn't mention my apologies before because, well, I'd be repeating my first apology for the false alarm you had. So I'm sorry about that as well. The GMs, Especially Kurai-Sensei: I thank you both for letting me join this RP, and tolerating me. And I apologize for all, if any, trouble I may have caused in my stubbornness. ...Truth, it's actually because of that that I feel bad about doing this. Put you guys through so much trouble to get Kotaro accepted and all. Everyone else (Including the above): You guys are Awesome. I'm glad I met you all, and I hope, when my schedule finally loosens up, to RP with all of you again. Ciao.