[b]Noah and Anthony - Near Haywood[/b] Noah Kendrick opened up the final room on the second floor of the house. Inside was a simple bedroom that was surprisingly clean except for the thick layer of dust. Noah grunted and began his search, checking underneath the bed for any possible food and then the closet. Both yielded nothing, as did the dresser. Noah sighed, still nothing that was useful to them. Noah descended downstairs, and looked up to where he expected his son to be, but for some reason wasn't. Where was Anthony? He should've still been searching around the bottom floor. Noah quickly looked inside all of the rooms but still didn't find him. Worriedly, he shouted, "Anthony?" Nothing. Noah ran outside but still had no sight of him. "Anthony?!" His son popped out of one of the buildings nearby, pulling his backpack back onto his shoulder. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you dad," he said apologetically. "I finished searching early and to move on, but I still got nothing. Entire place has been picked clean." Noah sighed in relief, wiping his brow and looking around the empty streets before he looked back at his son. "You're alright, but you know how much I'm concerned about you splitting off alone. Walkers can come from anywhere, that's how we lost everyone else." Anthony gave a sad nod, remembering that terrible night. Several months ago the two of them had been in a small group that was made up of good and honest people. They hardly had any losses and were surprisingly doing well, but their luck turned for the worse when they settled inside an apartment building inside of Lafayette. They were perfectly set up and everyone split up the rooms with Noah and Anthony staying in the same one. Just as everyone was falling asleep one of the men opened up a wardrobe to find a kid walker right inside. The man had no chance as the small walker bit into his skin, but matters turned for the worse as the man shot the kid then himself. Walkers from nearby heard the shot and invaded the apartment building. Everyone's rooms were invaded except for Noah and Anthony's who had just enough time to barricade the door and make a hasty escape using the window and the bed sheets. There was no way to save the others and the two were once again alone. Anthony still had nightmares about the event. Noah gave a sad smile, noticing his son's discomfort. "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up. Come on, maybe we'll get lucky in these next few homes." Their food was getting low ever since they came into New Orleans but so far they found little. He was greatly regretting his decision, maybe they should've gone north instead. After several hours of searching with only the results of molded bread and spoiled milk, the two were near the end of the street and considered their options, and ended up moving deeper into the city figuring early looters wouldn't go near the inside. "Alright, let's be quick and quiet." The buildings had the same primary results as the previous houses: nothing. Noah stepped down the stairs degenerated from the futile search. As . "Nothing yet, but haven't finished searching. One last room," Anthony said as he opened the door and peered in. "It's just a small office room, should I check it anyway?" Anthony turned away from the door and looked at his father As Noah was about to respond with a necessary yes, he looked to see a walker come out from behind Anthony dangerously close. Noah didn't have time to shout a warning or to get closer. Noah pulled out his revolver and aimed past Anthony at the walker. BANG The shot rang out and the walker fell to the ground. Anthony looked stunned, and turned to see the dead walker. Noah pulled Anthony away and ran out of the building, his eyes avid for any walkers who could've awoken to the noise. Sure enough, the two began to see several walkers emerge from other streets and inside buildings. With this close within the city, running for it and staying on the streets were suicide. Getting inside a building could work, but then they'd be trapped. Noah looked out towards the makeshift wall that was still a few blocks away. That was their one shot. "Make for that wall and find some kind of opening. If we're lucky, there's people inside willing to help. Go!" Noah shouted to his son. The two took off running towards the wall, not slowing as more walkers began to come out of their stasis and go towards the noise. Anthony stumbled but Noah helped him recover as they continued sprinting down the street. A walker came in the front of them, blocking their path. There was no time to waste going around and getting to close to the alleys. Noah fixed the issue by pulling out his crowbar and slamming it into the walker's head. "Keep going!" Noah shouted at Anthony as he made a finishing blow. Anthony didn't even slow as he continued running. Noah gave a moment to breath and continued running, keeping his crowbar out. They were only a block away by now, but to Noah it felt like miles. He already began worrying as he considered his problems. They were running straight for a wall that was unclimbable and no entrance in sight. They could be running right to the perfect place to get surrounded! But there was no other plan for them, they could only hope there would be someone or some kind of entrance. The two reached the wall with a good distance away from the attracted walkers, but the gap was closing quickly. "Hello?!" Noah shouted, not seeing any entrance in their vicinity. "Anyone?! Please help! Please!" The walkers were coming closer, and Noah feared this might be the end for them. "Help! Please! Anyone!" Anthony began trying to climb the wall but to no success. They were surrounded by now, with the large majority coming from the middle. Anthony pulled out his hunting knife, fear in his eyes. Noah had no peaceful words for him, there were simply none to give. "The right, we break through to the right and keep going around the wall. We need to find an entrance." Anthony nodded and the two charged their way to the right, cutting and dodging through the walkers. Whenever he had a chance Noah would shout at the walls, hoping that maybe someone would respond to their pleas. The chances of getting past this group seemed bleak, and even worse that the majority of the walkers was nearing them.