[center][img=http://cdn.styleforum.net/7/77/350x700px-LL-7715311c_tron-legacy-garrett-hedlund.jpeg][/center] Full Name: Fenrir "Fen" Barrow Alias/Assassin name: Wolf Age: 19 personality: Loyal, quiet, and a team player. Fenrir knows it's a little cliche, but its actually hardwired into his psyche to be a pack animal. As such he gets along well with people he knows, respects, and likes. He isn't one to start conversations but he can talk forever if you get him going. Skills: Tracking, hunting, hand to hand combat. Weapons: Besides claws and teeth, a pair of daggers. Powers: -As a "wolf", Fen gains facial features similar to that of a wolf and grows sharpened teeth and claws. When in this form he has several other powers as well. *Strength, lift about 200 pounds with minimal effort. *Speed, can run at about 24 m.p.h. *Durability, bullets can punch through but for the most part they are like high powered paintball balls. *Senses, his sense of smell, taste, sight, and sound are all increased along with a sort of sixth sense that warns of magical entities in the area. -When in his normal form, Fen still has these abilities but at a much lessened degree. background: There's nothing really to say. As a first born Barrow, Fen was expected to join the academy. There was no question if he wanted to or not, he was going. Ever since he could shift he has been trained in the arts of the hunt and of the kill. However he never viewed it as a curse and didn't have a "rebellious phase" as many in his situation would. Its just a role that he accepted and one that he excels at. Allies: Has "a guy" that acts a contact for just about everything. Other than that he has none. Family: Is on good terms with his family. Other: Silver gives him a rash and wolfsbane forces a shift. As Fen ages, his shift will become more wolf like. Eventually he will turn into a wolf instead of a wolf like man. For now his eyes change to red, his hair becomes more wolf like in style, and his teeth and nails extend into fangs and claws.