Kalien nodded his head softly when Brynjar said that they were practically brothers, both having lived in Windhelm. SUch attitude from a Nord perplexed him and he wondered why he was that way, he noticed the brief flash of pain on the blacksmiths face and clapped him in the shoulder "Don't worry, soon we will be back home" He said firmly to reassure his companion, he didn't know why he did that but he could understand well how Brynjar felt, for he wished to be back among his compatriots in the Argonian Assemblage but more than that he wished that his mother and father were still alive. "As for calling you sir, my apologies Brynjar, old habits die hard" He said with a small chuckle, easing his position slightly. He then fell silent as Brynjar answered the question of the Yuriah and turned to look a the Altmer, noticing the cold that seemed to bother the High Elf he went to his rucksack and extracted an extra set of winter clothes he had brought with himself "Here, so you don't freeze" He grunted, still feeling slightly tense around the former Thalmor. He had to admit that the fact that the fact that Gladron had been part of the group had done nothing to alleviate his concerns, but Brynjar seemed to trust the man and one of the lessons that his father had given him was to not second-guess your commanding officer plus deep down he realized that if this mission was to succeed they had to trust in each other. He listened in attention as Brynjar explained the plan and nodded internally, it was a sound one. Avoid imperial patrols by walking outside the main roads of commerce and if forced onto them to use the fact that they were a group of mercenaries who where going to Winterhold seeking for work, maybe the patrol would think that they wanted that same work to have their weapons enchanted in the College. When the group started moving he couldn't help but laugh a bit "Quite a sight we must be, an Argonian in heavy armor, traveling along a Breton mage, a Nord warrior and an Altmer rouge" He said, chuckling slightly, feeling the situation slightly humorous despite the gravity of their mission "Who is this last member we are picking up?" He asked to Brynjar after a while, slightly curious as to whom they were going to be picking.