Here's my character and stuff, if there's anything I need to change, just let me know. :D [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Gaspard Aucoin [b]Alias/ Nickname (If Any):[/b] - [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Cabin:[/b] Cabin Twenty [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Gaspard][img][/img][/hider] [b][u]Family[/u][/b] [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Εκάτη / Hecate / Goddess of magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, trivial knowledge, and necromancy. [b]Human Parent:[/b] Reynaud Aucoin [b]Legacy:[/b] Ἔρις / Eris / Spirit of strife, discord, contention, and rivalry. [b][u]General Information[/u][/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Gaspard is an observer by nature, whether he’s in the middle of a conversation or sitting in the corner. He has a calculating eye and an ear for details, and he can pick out what makes people interesting, attractive, or irritating as hell. He keeps a mental tally of the good and bad things people have done, in case he ever needs them for blackmail (not that he, a quiet wallflower, would ever need to… or at least, not that anyone would ever suspect him of doing it). People think he’s not listening, but really, he’s catching everything they say, secretly finding amusement in it. Gaspard judges everyone equally - whether they’re all equally dumb or equally boring. He doesn’t like doing things unless the other party can supply him some sort of benefit in return, whether it’s grabbing a book for someone, holding their things for them, or finding them a joint to smoke. Friends or not, his time and energy are valuable, and he must have something to compensate for his loss; only rarely will he ever say “personal satisfaction is enough.” That, however doesn’t mean he has no soft spot to speak of, it merely is particularly difficult to find. Naturally venomous, stoic, and even distant, he is used to putting on a variety of faces so as to achieve any means to an end. Gaspard is a bleeding heart for others, who like himself, have gone through some form of adversity. [b]Likes:[/b] Stephen King, people-watching, tattoos, drama, cats. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Babies, people who can't take a joke, excessively bright colours, waking up before 11, confrontation [b]Talents:[/b] Surprisingly, cooking. [b]Biography:[/b] Born and raised in New Orleans, childhood for Gaspard wasn't quite as picturesque as some others'. Burdened with a father and step-mother who used their child as something to take their anger out on, Gaspard often dreamed of the day he'd be free of them. His days as a child were a constant game of hide and seek, dodging both of his parents who were a mess of screaming matches and alcohol. He became used to hiding under desks, beds, and in closets, all in order to avoid their stinging hits. Unfortunately, he wasn’t always quick enough, and the abuse he would suffer was only more severe after he was dragged out kicking and screaming from under the bed. Being caught trying to run away, a twelve year old Gaspard was shoved into his freezing garage, locked inside for the night without a second thought. Trying to find something to keep himself warm, Gaspard instead found a box filled with dusty, old books. Covered in symbols, he opened up the grimoire to take a look inside. Reading about magic that included curses, hexes, and enchantments… there was nothing more that he wished to be true. And when they proved to be just that years later when practiced for the hell of it, payback was more than warranted for. Cursing his parents with such awful visions that it put them into permanent psychiatric care, Gaspard was finally free of them when he was fifteen years old. He didn’t even mind being sent off to live in an orphanage - it beat his own home any day of the week. Only packing a bag of clothes, and the grimoire that had so heavily paid off, that was all he felt he needed. Power like that at his fingertips? He could get used to that. When Gaspard learned about his demigod heritage a month later, he believed it immediately. Unlike most half-bloods who try to deny it, Gaspard was ready for Camp Half-Blood the second he heard about it. Training with a weapon everyday? Learning to better manipulate the Mist? Playing capture the flag with possible bloodshed? He was all over it. What can he say, he likes that sort of thing. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [hider=Cave - Muse][youtube]DzEN2pvCyUo[/youtube][/hider] [b][u]Weapon Information[/u][/b] [b]Weapon Name:[/b] αγκάθι / Thorn, φάντασμα / Phantasm [b]Weapon Type:[/b] Silver Dagger, Grimoire [b]Weapon Appearance:[/b] [hider=Thorn][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Illusion][img][/img][/hider] [b]Attributes:[/b] A silver dagger with a decorated handle, useful both for performing blood rituals or simply for stabbing. Because of the material, it is particularly effective at dispatching werewolves. Meanwhile, the grimoire contains an impressive catalogue of spells and rituals, most of them focusing on using the Mist to create illusions. [b][u]Other[/u][/b] [b]Other:[/b] -