Age: 14, going on 15. Frequency Online: Daily. On average, I'll be on around 7 hours during weekdays, and a little more than 12 during weekends. This may fluctuate, but I'll be sure to post a heads up if it does. Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky road and vanilla and cookie dough. (I CAN'T CHOOSE!) Occupation: Highschool student College Major: N/A Any Fandoms You Enjoy: Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Pokémanz, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and One Piece to name a few. Writing Sample: I enjoy writing dialogue and descriptions of the environment, Nowadays, I'm trying to focus improvement on describing a character's emotions and feelings. And as much as I love action stories and movies, I cannot describe a fight scene without banging my head against a wall screaming, "HOW. DO. I. ACTION." Since I enjoy comedy, I'll sometimes try to incorporate a bit of what my sad mind perceives as humor. When things get serious, though, I'll drop the comedy. --- Status: Temporary. I wanna try experimenting with new characters, but that won't stop character development! Opening and Closing Post: [link from the IC to their first and if applicable, final post] First Name: Amarra Last Name: Pamalo Born: September 2, 1986; San Antonio, Texas. Appearance: [url=]Amarra Pamalo[/url] 4 Positive Adjectives: Outgoing, optimistic, friendly, daring 2 Negative Adjectives: Cocky, stubborn Siblings or Children: Three brothers, one older and two younger. Education: Has an Associates and Bachelors degree of Science. 3 Hobbies or Talents: - Can play the violin. - Used to kickbox for eleven years before moving to New York. She still occasionally practices. - Can name most, if not all of the elements in the periodic table without hesitation. 2 Fears: - Drowning - Snakes A Glimpse of... The warm smell of cinnamon and freshly cooked bacon filled every corner of the diner, wrapping around the many customers and employees like a baby's soft blanket. Conversations between sassy waitresses and coffee drinkers we're heard all around. Some customers sat seated in the age old vinyl booths, while others were perched on the stools by the counter. It was a scene so familiar to Amarra, yet so calming. It was like coming home during Christmas after so many years, and seeing every family member welcoming you with open arms and smiles. Amarra clutched the cup of coffee close and glanced at across the table where her two best friends, Sara and Luke, sat. Ever since that fateful day in third grade when Luke had spilled apple juice on Amarra, and Amarra, thinking it was Sara who had done it, shoved a cupcake into her face, the three were inseparable. An odd way of meeting, true, but an unregrettable way. Even when Amarra had moved away from Texas, the two had loyally went with her. "Dude, I'm telling you, this toast tastes like freaking cheese." "Go home, Luke. You're drunk." "I'm serious, Amarra! Look, taste it!" "What? Ew, no! Stop trying to shove it in my mouth! Luke, st- mmph!" "See! Cheese!" "Dude, the hell! You ju- wait...holy crap, it does taste like cheese! Sara, try it!" "..." "...Alright, fine. Be that way. Jerk." Amarra grinned teasingly at Sara, waving the cheesy-toast in front of her tauntingly. "You want the toast...go get the toast..." Amara said, as if Sara was a dog. Sara cast her friend an annoyed glance and tried to bat away the bread. "Stop playing with your food," she scolded. Amarra stuck her tongue out at Sara and tossed the toast onto Luke's plate. "Whatever. You so want it." Sara rolled her eyes, a small smile managing to escape. Amara laughed and gave her friends' an affectionate light punch on the shoulder. All joking aside, Amarra felt an uneasy form in her gut. A feeling so tiny, yet still sensible, like a pebble in a shoe. It was a feeling that she could hide from her companions through laughter, but not from herself. Amarra had the strangest feeling that she wasn't going to see her friends for a long while...