Flint watched as Yuki did her magic. A crowd begin to form and so Flint Removed his Nomura Security Corporation Badge and began showing everyone. Repeating to the crowd that everything was under control. The little girl looked up to Yuki, her eyes where grey and one lazily looked off into space "Im fine.." She said nervously shaking slightly at the events that unfolded. She was wearing a pair of ripped pants and a jumper far to big for her. Her hair was a dark brown and short. The crowd Flint was trying to control began to become angrier. "You cant do that!" "That girl just killed those men!" "Their dangerous!" Flint continued to attempt to coax the people down, it was a reasonable crowd now but Flint saw an opening for escape "Yuki grab the girl and bring her home, I will sort this lot out" Flint yelled to Yuki over the crowds angry ramblings. They had began to move closer.