In an instant, Time frozen over. (I hope Kurai doesn't mind. As I told him, I HATE Time/Space powers just as much as he does, but personally this is a special exception, as I am simply using it to do what I have to to remove my character, all the while filling in the negative space said character leaves behind. In other words, Time/Space powers are good for special occasions like this, horrible for everything else.) Appearing through the walls of the training room like ghosts were two humanoid silhouettes. The two could not possibly look anymore different than each other; one looking ancient and honorable like a samurai, wearing the robes albeit black ones of a to match the description and eyes glowing a bright red. The other one looking like a modern-day punk going by the points and angles extending from the second silhouette looking like a exterior of a jean jacket, his eyes glowing blue. They walked straight to Kotaro, ignoring Veros completely. "...Yep, that's him alright. It's looking like he won't be coming back." the Blue-eyed shadow said. "Then we proceed with Procedure Alpha. Remove all traces of his existence. That world, Tamius and all memories of him, everything." the Red eyed one said. With that, they extended their hand out and opened a portal to an unknown location. The blue-eyed one grabbed Kotaro's time-frozen state and threw him into the portal. The red-eyed one unsheathed a sword from his waist and used it to writing some kind of symbol in the air. The symbol exploded in a blast of light, erasing the world of Serenity Town from existence, and erasing with it the memory of Tamius and Kotaro from the minds of everyone who has witnessed him in his journey. The portal closed, and they themselves walked back into the shadows disappearing without a single trace of them being there. As soon they left. Time melted back into motion, the only difference was that Kotaro was gone. Alas, no one would mind, or miss him, for no one would remember he even existed. And so life goes on.