Attack on Titan - Survival of the Fittest --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Every last one of you are now an officially a member of the training regiment No.104. I have been assigned to be your commanding officer so for the next three years you all will be under my authority. I'll have you know that my authority, is nothing less than a dictatorship! there will be no sunny days from this point on, the rest of your days here will be brutal. I will rule with an iron fist, anybody who disobeys At this base we do not tolerate delinquencies. Anybody who whines will be punished, anybody who cries will be punished, anybody who talks back will be punished, anyone who acts out of line will be punished. Your 3 Dimensional Manoeuvre Gear training will start tomorrow and will last throughout the week, ending with a test at the end of the week. If you don't pass the test, than you are not qualified to be in the army. You are nothing but scum. You have the rest this day off but, when you wake tomorrow you will have stepped into the depths of hell. My domain." The tall burly shouted at the students, trying to invoke fear. The man who was speaking was rather tall, above the average height of a middle aged man who he looked to be. The man had broad shoulders that were wider than his hips, they were beefy and slightly slouched forward. It was easy to tell that this man had an exceptional muscle tone, his white shirt he wore pressed tightly against his abdominal and pectoral muscles. He had a cleanly shaven head that only emphasized the wrinkles and stress line on his worn skin. His eyes were a light blue that rivalled a sky on a summers day. His face was slightly droopy around his cheeks and mouth, making him seem older than he is. The man paced back and forth as he spoke to the cadets who lined up before him. He refrained from making eye contact with any of them, always pacing back and forth across the plateau which this base stood upon. "After these three years none of you will be the same pesky weakling that stands before me now. Right now your are dirt and nothing more. You are the dirt under my boots, pitiful and useless, only there to be stepped on and pounded into the ground. After these three years you will become warriors. Through rigorous training and exercise I will mould you, your body, and your soul into one that will be worth acknowledging." The man paused for a few seconds looking out across the lot of recruits,"You may be dismissed." The man added before finishing his speech. The commanding officer turned on his heel and walked off, letting the recruits do a they pleas for today. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luca watched as the his new commanding officer marched away from the recruits.[i] That's it?[/i] Luca thought as he questioned the legitimacy of this training base,[i]A stern talking to and a warning?! This might be easier than I though...[/i] Luca still stood in line not quite sure of how to respond. He inconspicuously eyed the other recruits, wondering if they too, thought the same as him. From what Luca could gather, the other recruits took what the commanding officer said to heart, walking away from the ensemble of teens. Luca turned his head and looked the other way, making sure he stood still in case the words of the officer was just a test of some sort. He noticed some recruits walking towards the training ground, some of the recruits walking towards the dinner hall. He turned his attention to the recruit who stood beside him still,"Is this a test?" Luca questioned as he whispered to the teen. The recruit's face changed to that of disgust. his upper lip quiver slightly and his eyes started to squint, it was obvious this recruit that he was better than Luca. The recruit let out a displeasing noise that signified he didn't care, "Tsk." Luca himself grew a face of disgust as he didn't appreciate this boys attitude, Luca had thoughts of violence but he wasn't tempted. Luca saw about 15 others students who still stood there in ,what use to be, an organized line. Luca relaxed his muscles and hesitantly started to walk away. He walked towards the bunkhouse ready, smiling as he was relieved that his first day wasn't something of physical strain.