Full Name: Araile Koinly Alias/Assassin name: Angel Age: 19 personality: Smart, Bold, Outgoing, Cunning, and Daring. She isn't afraid to use what she has to her advantage. She keeps her wings hidden most of the time to avoid stares, she doesn't want too much attention on her. Skills: She can fly, she is extremely skilled with a sword, she can read most thoughts especially if you are weak minded. Weapons: She uses a double edged sword for most attacks, she has about six knives hidden throughout her outfit. Powers: Flying, and telepathy. Her wings will not carry her long distances, for she has kept them hidden for so long. Her telepathy only works till you realize what she is. background: She was discarded as an infant when her mother saw her wings, she was found by an old beggar woman and taken to an orphanage, where she was bullied incessantly. She learned to hide her wings under cloaks so as not to be poked at by the general populace. Allies: None at the moment Family: She has none. Other: [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/50/6c/5a/506c5a46d8052001c506e3830b203054.jpg] (I will make a teacher also...)