[b]Cloudhaven Market District Lovissa, Ryu[/b] "Ah, nothing is wrong, yet you're one of the last people to leave the little gathering around the Harlequin's makeshift stage, good sir. You must be lost in thought I thought. Besides, there aren't many samurais with...err. Glossy silver hair like yours. Wherever did you get it?" the thief grinned back at the man with a pleased, almost manic glint in her eyes, though a playful charm lingered around her smile as she purred a little, puffing her chest out a little to make herself look a little prouder when he made his careful observation. His eyes were watched by hers. Green and twinkling, and her hair, near-completely dry by now from the morning shower still glistened with the afternoon light. It was a strange kind of look she had about her at that time, some might have mistaken it for flirtatious, if looked at from one angle. From another, unfortunately very close to which the taller man was looking down at her from, she'd appear on the verge of insanity, grinning like the Cheshire Cat himself, and her expression just as difficult to truly read. "Last names, eh? How...gentlemanly. But of course, samurais were always very courteous. I would try pronouncing your name, Mister...Ze...uh. Zeh-uh-en-an" she shook her head. That definitely didn't sound anything like his name, but it would have to do for that very attempt. She'd stick with calling him sir. It was easier on her at very least, and his earlier minimal shock detected by her keen eyes would make sure he wasn't a threat, and possibly wouldn't slice her to bits should she have gotten his name wrong. "Why did I approach you? Let's see...to be frank with you, I cannot remember why I do much anymore in this accursed place. I think I had a question. Maybe I've just gone crazy. You don't think I'm crazy, do you, sir?" she shook her hand dismissively with a pout, the grin never leaving her lips for too long. The question was one to be saved for later. Maybe she really was going crazy. Or just becoming one hell of a socially-awkward bumbling fool when not brushing anyone off with the utmost sarcasm. "Oh...wait! Yes, yes I do remember now! Fabulous!" she mused to herself, clapping her hands together as if in a congratulatory little applause to herself before looking back up at the man, her expression hardening into one of a little more seriousness, with the smile waning to a smaller version and her eyebrow rising, natural curiosity at play. "I...actually, I was wondering. Your guild, what's it like? I saw some on the way here, but...uh. I dunno. Didn't know if it was worth joining one or not. What do you have to say about it? You...[i]are[/i] in a guild, aren't you? Most everyone is by now. I think I'm the only one left out, really! Except for these two people who approached me earlier, I mean...they seemed to be ready to just ask a random stranger, I wouldn't assume that they were part of a bigger group. Or maybe they were, who knows? They seemed nice enough, but it wasn't an offer I could really accept. So I declined, kindly as I could. I don't know, maybe they must have been the underdogs of some group...but who knows? Who knows anything anymore, am I right, my good sir? ...in fact, I wonder if I can call you [i]Zen?[/i]. I'm not as formal as you I'm afraid. Lovissa's the name, but Everglade works just as well. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, a little more formally at this point." The woman froze for a minute but chose to just lower her head in a little bow. She didn't know whether to curtsey, or extend her hand for a shake, or anything that seemed normal in this world. Anyone might have mistaken an extended arm for an attack. So her head dipped in a tiny bow before rising back up slowly, expression softened into a genuine smile and curious, almost childish eyes, giving away her youth.