[center][img]http://megheartsit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/norman-reedus-4.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=In Gear Look][img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e5/db/01/e5db01c32639f66727d4403367fecbbd.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][center]Name[/b][/center] [center]Floyd Conlon[/center] [b][center]Age[/b][/center] [center]Twenty-Eight[/center] [b][center]Height[/b][/center] [center]Five Foot - Nine Inches[/center] [b][center]Weight[/b][/center] [center]One-Hundred Fifty Eight Pounds[/center] [b][center]Ethnicity[/b][/center] [center]White American[/center] [b][center]Build[/b][/center] [center]Athletic Physical Condition[/center] [b][center]Personality[/b][/center] [center] Conlon's motivation as a sniper is money. He is driven by money - because it is the only thing that will keep his family safe. Because he needs the money, he will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in between him and his target. However he does show remarkable character by sometimes taking longer routes to allow non-targets live. Conlon had always been all about ethics and honor before his gun-for-hire days, suggesting that he wasn't always borderline-sociopathic, this was merely a personality adjustment that eventually consumed him. This is shown by his overwhelming wish to die doing something honorable. The only thing he truly cares for is his daughter, Ushio, whom he leaves money in a blind trust and tries to keep her life safe and easy by staying away from her. He has several pictures of her in his implanted system.[/center] [b][center]Job[/b][/center] [center]His actual job lays in Crater Bay where he basically helps unload the ships with Earth's supplies. The hard labor allows him to build muscle and keep a low profile within the community. He works the morning shift, clocking in at four in the morning and leaving at around noon - unless given overtime hours. But his real job lays after hours in all parts of Byzantium City. Conlon becomes a gun-for-hire during the night and takes any kind of job to get the money he desires. This money - like stated before - is sent to his daughter to help her remain in Greater Downtown. Though the profession is not the safest nor envious profession, it does pay very very well. Floyd Conlon is a man that is willing to give his own life for his daughter, not fearing death, but welcoming it. [/center] [b][center]Residency[/b][/center] [center]Outward District[/center] [b][center]History[/b][/center] [center]Like most people that moved to Byzantium after the fall of Earth, Conlon lost someone - his pregnant wife Nancy. They had a fine life on Earth, but as the destruction started, everything had gone to hell. When the economy collapsed, they had to move out of their home because the inability to pay the costs. But once it started to become a wasteland, the two decided to move to Byzantium for survival. Unfortunately, the government decided to implant every human being with cybernetics - a new system that would help regulate the new world. These implants were the cause of Nancy's death. Her body rejected the microscopic nano-bites that connected to her cerebrum, making her - at first go insane - then dying from a cerebral infection. In the process of her death, their unborn son also failed to see the new world. Conlon was stripped of the joyous wonders of being a father and having a family. Conlon never got over this new process, blaming this established government for the death of his family. At first, he attempted to get revenge by attaining the governments attention, causing local problems in Greater Downtown. Soon enough, the authorities had taken him to the Health and Wellness Center, or as they called it back on Earth - prison. That's when he found out that they could track his every thought. The authorities could stop him before he did anything wrong, which put him in a bad spot. Since they could read him, he was unable of taking the government down before they knew he was coming. Therefore, he started to attain information from certain rumors. Now living in Outward City, he had to find a way to get off the grid. As an old motorcycle mechanic and graduate of MMI, Floyd was able to understand the system with a little help of a contractor. He became capable of shutting down the thought-sensor part of the cyberization he was implanted with. This didn't stop the government from reading him like everyone else, it just hid every malice action and thought. It was like a virus that only affected a certain sector of the system. With no money left, he started to work in Crater Bay, only place that would hire him with his background. He eventually turned to theft in order to pay his living expenses in the torn down section of Byzantium. But even having gone through the Health and Wellness center and life in the slums, Conlon had yet not forgot his mission to strip the government of everything they had created. But one day, that dream had changed. After the vaccinations had passed, people refrained from opening up certain messages through their personal systems. But unlike most, Conlon was not afraid to open these messages, somewhere in his mind believing he wanted to die. But what he found was not what he expected. Just a single picture, one of a small little girl playing with a ball. Underneath it, "Hi Daddy :P - From Ushio" Other info will be revealed in the IC, the bio is getting too long. [/center] [b][center]Other[/b][/center] [center]It's been three years since the death of his wife. [/center] [b]NPCs[/b] [hider=Ushio Claire][img]http://www.lorenzinifamily.com/Virginia2006/Amelie%20kicking%20ball.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Info:[/b] Now living in Greater Downtown due to Floyd's contribute. [b]Relationship:[/b] Daughter of Floyd Conlon and Heather Claire [hider=Jess Conlon][img]http://www.short-hair-style.com/image-files/pregnancy_250.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Info:[/b] Passed away with unborn child. [b]Relationship:[/b] Floyd's wife. [hider=Heather Claire][img]http://wallpoper.com/images/00/44/25/34/blonde-woman-city-street-photography_00442534.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Info:[/b] Had sexual relations with Floyd during his marriage and ended up pregnant [b]Relationship:[/b] Ushio's mother