guess this means i'm not a gamer then. Name: Felix Smith Class: Craftsmaster Job: Apprentice Title: Lucky Bastered? Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: His wild looking hair and inquisitive face make Lenny look younger than he is. His slim build and short stature add to this effect. He has green eyes and dark blonde hair and a perpetual smirk on his face as if he heard something funny. Normally wearing cargo pants full of random stuff and a tool belt with miscellaneous tools. His shirts are always covered in pieces of his latest project from metal filings to wood chips and dirt. Personality: Inquisitive by nature he tends to stick his noes were it doesn't belong. He is also carefree and tends to look on the bright side of things. People tend to get frustrated with him because he never seems to take things seriously. Passionate about creating things and always trying to experiment with new materials. History: An apprentice to a master crafter Lenny does not limit himself to one medium. He has made several metal, stone, wood, and clay sculptures and has even tried blacksmithing and welding. Most of his time is spent scrounging around in scarp heaps or junkyards for materials. He is usually lucky in his searches finding what he wants or something he didn't know he needed until he found it. Luck seems to favor Lenny but in his naivete he does not realize this so can't abuse it. LV: (Starts at 1 unless I say otherwise) Current EXP: 0 Epic Points: 3 Stats str: 2 dex: 3 vit: 4 int: 5 wis: 3 luk: 8 Talents Appraisal: 4 Crafting: 4 First Aid: 4 Observation: 4 Thrown Weapons: 2 Focus: 4 Skills up to you Inventory depends on your say but random tools and crafting materials, cell phone, goggles, backpack