Jamlamin sat there in bed next to his latest womanly companion who was happily snoring away, [i]"At least shes better looking than some."[/i] He thought. From that thought he proceeded to think about other things such as what his next job was going to be, and then paying off his debts he had acquired from gambling, and the last being, who is going to be his next bed time companion. But these things paled to what was going to happen next. It appeared the woman he was currently spending time with was the wife of a powerful crime lord and he found that out the hard way when the man came barging into the room. "Who are you?!?!" The Man shouted drawing a dagger from his belt "I know this is your house, but haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Jamlamin replied Now this angered the man who proceeded to charge across the room to stab his wives new bed mate but he found the spot empty the man had disappeared. As much as Jamlamin hated using his abilities, they were useful when someone tried to stab you for sleeping with their wife [i]"That's not the first time and nor will it be the last"[/i] He thought staring at the woman's window from across the street, from the woman's house he headed for home only to find the place ransacked and a lot of things he had stolen as trophies over the years taken, frantic he ran for his bedroll and pulled away a fake door in his wall where he hid his more precious things. He picked up his foster mothers necklace the only thing in this hide away and clutched it to his chest he was relived it was safe but whoever came here would come back looking for blood so the only logical option was to leave the city. So grabbing his cloak and weapons along with a bedroll and his mothers necklace he left the city under the light of the moon not looking back.