Most Messed Up? Hmm That would be Jain AKA Scandal She/he was a gestalt clone of several mutants who began life as a noble project meant for the benefit of Mankind as a deep space colony seed. She/he could record any genetics she was exposed to and store them for later reproduction be it animal vegetable or human. Stolen by a shadow agency her/his purpose twisted Jain was made into a Spy/Assassin. To do this she/he was tortured for hours on end by electrocution, heat and chemicals to force her to quickly comply to the desires of her/his handlers. She/he was tortured to not question orders or details given by her/his masters; if they said that Green was Black and she sought to correct their error they showed her/him a green light asking what color it was and even when she/he complied they would repeatedly show the green light and say the light was black to reinforce the lesson. They would force he/she to commit deplorable acts of various fetish in an effort to make he/her the perfect seducer. They never called her/he by name simply calling him/her "The Subject" All this abuse caused Jain to become angry and rebellious so she/he turned against mankind as a whole. She destroyed the complex where she'd been abused during her/his escape taking special pains to expose those directly responsible to the tortures they visited on her. Once free she/he used her/his skills taught at the facility to gain from the good and the bad of society whatever she/he deemed she needed. Blaming the governments of earth for creating the need to create he/her Jain relished destroying Politicians, Clergy and anyone in power, she would often do this by discovering their Vices and Fetish then exposing them. If her target was a good person with no Vices or Fetish then he/she would manufacture one. She/he wasn't against sabotaging peace talks or creating the events that lead to gang wars, real wars or rebellion. She/he seeks nothing short of the eradication of mankind so that she may then use the DNA combinations within her/himself to re populate earth with a race that sees her as it's mother