I’ve never read the books, but I love a good Demi-God RP. Hope this is acceptable! (Leaving Legacy blank since I’m not sure what that is) Name: Faris Ecklan Alias/Nickname: None that have been said to her face Age: 17 Gender: Female Cabin: Five [img= http://wallpaperpassion.com/upload/27300/tattoo-girl-hd-image.jpg] Godly Parent: Ares- God of war Human Parent: Evia Ecklan- Former swimsuit model Legacy: Personality: Head strong, Energetic, Insatiable, Stubborn, Strong willed, Strong sense of justice, Alluring, Charismatic, Easily embarrassed, Liar, Enjoys arguing (has to be right), Cynical, Emotional, Resilient, Intelligent, Strong heart, Rebellious, Acts before thinking/Impatient Likes: Arguing, martial arts, exercising, being outdoors, being right Dislikes: Being proved wrong, being told no, being cooped up indoors a lot, dancing, waiting Talents: Fighting/Martial arts, Persuasion Biography: Faris was born as a status symbol for her mother. Her mom had been rather famous but was starting to lose modeling jobs when she got pregnant. She made sure to leak the story to all sorts of news outlets about how the father was unknown and how she planned on raising her daughter in all sorts of unconventional ways. It brought her back in the lime light enough to be thought of, and then again when she “got her body back in 2 months!” according to the papers when she was photographed pushing Faris around in her stroller (after having called the paparazzi ahead of time). In reality, her mother hardly paid attention to her or wanted her. Faris grew up running to her nanny on Christmas morning, not her mother. And everything made her angry. She was pissed off at the world for the tiniest things, often not understanding why she would go into rages. Her mother dealt with it by telling someone who worked for her to take Faris out and buy her whatever she wanted. Only Faris cared little for material things, except maybe weapons which she began collecting and practicing with in her room. She eventually asked her mother for lessons in things like Jujitsu, to which her mother obliged, not really caring. Faris was homeschooled and never went to public school, her mother too proud to send her daughter out for an education beyond their home. Faris eventually hated the indoors by the time she was 16, and began running away constantly, often with boys getting drunk and into fights with other girls for the dumbest reasons. When a video of her pummeling a girl hit the internet, her mother knew she had to send Faris somewhere before the cops came. She actually put in an effort, researched, and discovered Camp Half Blood. She hesitantly sent her daughter away, fighting and clawing, ticked to be made to go anywhere, all the way to the plane to camp. [youtube]1mjlM_RnsVE[/youtube] Weapon Name: Spear called Dicé, Shield called Aegis Weapon Type: Spear & Shield Weapon Appearance: [hider=Shield][img= http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608012102009619370&pid=15.1&P=0][/hider] [hider=Spear][img= http://www.spirithalloween.com/images/spirit/products/interactivezoom/processed/01080241.interactive.a.jpg][/hider] Attributes: The spear is unbreakable, forged with some sort of magic, although it cannot pierce anything more than what a regular spear would. The shield is incredibly lightweight while still able to block both physical and supernatural/magic attacks. The edge is sharpened as well to be used as a weapon when brought down on an opponent, in case Faris finds herself without her spear. Other: -