[quote=Leidenschaft] One day, I'm going to get a job at Bethesda. When I do, I'm going to pay off Todd Howard with 5 million dollars to replace all the lore on Hammerfell with the entire history of Walt Disney and his company. [/quote] Would be a great improvement, and give it some much needed fleshing out, place doesn't even have a tower for crying out loud.We can only hope those improvements come soon. Be sure to add in goofy's adventures, be awsome. [quote=Leidenschaft] Not to sound like an asshole but doing that is like using Harry Potter's words to prove that Hogwarts is real. Zenimax =/= Bethesda. Todd Howard has said that ESO is completely unrelated to the single-player series. This arguably means that as far as Daggerfall onwards is concerned, Zenimax's fanfiction isn't canon and will not be referenced.Anyways, as far as this very RP goes, we do need some people to take over for some nations. Spread the word, please. [/quote] They said it was 100% unrelated to the single player experience, not that the lore is not canon. To say otherwise is inferring a hell of allot.Of course since it;s likely all of ESO is taking place during a dragon break, it hardly matters.