Silus raised an eyebrow at the gang leaders response. It was more eloquent and reserved than he had anticipated. He replaced his glasses, which he wore after discovering that with his eye problems he was one of the select few men that could make glasses intimidating, after the girl left and returned to his seat. He smiled at Amaya "sorry..." his words came out a little slower as he was thinking of the words he needed "do the Japanese understand the concept of chivalry?" He smiled as the teacher walked in and began his introductions. This seemed to end all communication in the class. The day chugged on slowly until the final bell rang out. Silus sighed, a small sound of contentment as he looked down at his book. He had transcribed the notes in Japanese and would translate them to english at a later time. He then gave Amaya a small tap on the shoulder "want to try and teach me things about my new home?" He smiled and stood up, swinging his briefcase bookbag over his shoulder.