Name: Eithne Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday/Zodiac: November 24th, Sagittarius Allegiance: Grimleal Class: Mage [hider=Clothing][IMG][/IMG] Except her clothes do not have the armour, she is wearing higher gloves, and instead of trousers she is wearing a two-sided skirt. She is also wearing the head-piece from her "appearance"[/hider] Weapons: Arcthunder , Wind [hider=Appearance][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Personality: Having grown in a sheltered lifestyle, many facets of the world shocked Eithne and she had trouble dealing with these things. So even before she even joined the Grimleal she had become very good at dehumanizing and turning humans to monsters in her mind. If she could rationalize to herself that they deserved it, she could go on without it affecting her ability to function. If not for this and her determination to find her brother, she wouldn’t have been capable of joining the Grimleal. At this point she has convinced herself that there is no road away anymore and that she must stick with the cause as she aims to suppress the last remnants of her morality which occasionally linger to haunt her. A part of her may even have come to believe in Grima’s “salvation.” Otherwise she actually enjoys social company and tends to retain a well-mannered and polite disposition. History: Eithne was born as a child to a common family, however, shortly after her birth she was adopted by and older Ylissean lord and his wife who could have no children of their own. Her life as the lord’s daughter was a good one. She spent much of her childhood immersed in their affection along with the fineries of noble status. They also taught her a lot in the ways of etiquette and “proper” social behaviour. She adored her parents and her life, nevertheless, there was a small, nagging feeling she carried with her – a desire to find out about those who had brought her into the world. And so it was that when she was around the age of ten she coerced her parents into telling her. Unfortunately she learned that both her parents had died during a raid a couple years back. This didn’t really affect her much, except that she realized she would be unable to ever meet them and learn of how her life might have been. The only consolation she had was that the body of the couples other child had not been found, and so she retained a small hope that somewhere her brother was alive and someday she might be reunited with him. However, aside from having someone hired to look into his potential whereabouts briefly her life continued on as it had before. It wasn’t until a few years later when Eithne mother succumbed to old age and her father developed severe memory loss that she once again turned to the hope of finding him. Her life at home had become unpleasant and unwelcoming and so after some debate she set of in search of his trail, along with the help of an escort who was helping track him down from where the trail went cold. During these travels she learned and saw a great many things, and being as sheltered as she had been before, they often shocked her. But the greatest shock came when she finally learned the last known location of her brother – he’d joined the Grimleal. More determined than ever and unwilling to leave her quest behind after having come so close she did what she felt was the best choice. She joined the Grimleal, and has worked with them since. Ability: Aside from being a good magic user (especially of the thunder variety) she can emulate most people’s handwriting. Quirk: Has exceptional penmanship Strengths: Eithne is determined and unrelenting. She is also good at holding her tongue and minding her manners. Weaknesses: Physically Eithne is quite weak. Her left leg is wounded and aside from generally being a nuisance, prevents her from fleeing or running quickly. Occasionally, her morals get in her way. Likes: tea, lace, cities, rats, glass art, history, music Dislikes: the desert, cows, swimming/being wet, puns, very loud people Other: "I will preserve."