-Laciel- The young man made his way to the temple, wandering the streets until he found himself at the foot of it. The blood was still leaking from his arm, and it was his fault that it was there. If he didn't get cocky during the fight, that mark wouldn't be there, painting his skin with a crimson hue. "(I should of been more careful,)" Laciel thought to himself, annoyed at such a simple mistake that could easily be eluded. "(Next time it could be my whole arm, or worse.)" He sighed, and shook his head, ascending into the temple in search of a cleric who could mend his wound. There were plenty of clergy inhabiting the temple at time, and some looked busy doing.... Something. (What was it that the clergy did again,)" Laciel questioned himself as he began looking for an available cleric. "(... I think they worship Naga if I remeber right... Although, I've never been inside a temple before. Pretty neat looking place I guess.)" As he began wandering around, he spotted a cleric who was chatting with someone who looked to be a knight, or mercenary of sorts. He made his way over to the two, and interjected in, trying to be polite as possible. "Excuse me, miss," he said to the woman of the cloth (Mara). "I hope I'm not intruding on anything, but do you think you could heal this wound of mine?" He leaned his left arm in front of him, which showed the open wound. "If this is a bad time, I could always look for another."