[hider=Delilah] [center] [img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/cd59e8d4f872c0610acba62d7160576c/tumblr_mkpxeaAlzH1s9j8ldo1_500.gif] [b]Name:[/b] Delilah Rould [b]Age:[/b] 24 (14 when brought to Byzantium) [b]Height:[/b] 5’6” [b]Weight:[/b] 125 [b]Ethnicity:[/b] White [b]Build:[/b] Average [b]Personality:[/b] Open minded yet skeptical of certain people, Thoughtful, Sarcastic, Fun loving, Naïve, Spoiled… She fears being out of control or losing her mind, thinking this is the reason why her brother was unable to come with them. She also fears the dark, sleeping with a night light still. Her weaknesses are that she is overly trusting and not very skilled at anything combative. She’s a relatively docile person, only strong in her mind and emotions and character, not physically. She could be easily deceived, and if not, easily physically overtaken. [b]Job:[/b] Event Coordinator [b]Residency:[/b] Residential Sector [b]History:[/b] Delilah remembers surprising little life on Earth, considering her age when she left. She was one of those who had a step forward in life, thanks to her father being one of the scientists who was best at modifying citizens with full brain cyberization. Her family was one of the first in line at a Byzantium outpost, and her screening went excellently. Her father did as well, and her mother, but her brother didn’t pass the psychological tests. Despite her father’s influence, they had to leave him behind (he was 15 years old). Delilah has trouble remembering his face and name anymore, maybe because of her cybernetic upgrades or perhaps her mind has blocked it as too traumatic. Most of her memories of Earth are fuzzy anyway. She remembers being more physically fit and running from her father for some reason more than once, but she doesn’t know if that was just a dream even. Either way… She lived with her parents for a few years after arriving in the Beacon, and then moved out on her own, going to the Residential Sector. She still commuted to the Beacon however, getting a job as an event coordinator for the higher ups. As she’s gotten older, she has found the older generation rather pretentious, talking about the city as if it’s a perfect utopia (if they could just kill off all the criminals with a specialized bug). The patch required 5 years ago proved that theory wrong, as she usually replies back under her breath. Then again she might have also spoken against the higher society at a party or two, considering she spends several nights a week in Greater Downtown. She has honestly never been to the Crater Bay or Outward District, but has met some people from those areas that have gone to the Downtown area. She finds them a great deal more fascinating than those she works for day in and day out. Each day gets braver with her tongue, unafraid because of the high status she’s had for so long, to say what’s on her mind about people starting to at strangely and the class inconsistencies. [b]Other:[/b] When it comes to personal relationships, Delilah has a few friends (pm me if you want a history with her if she’s accepted) and has had only one romantic relationship that’s lasted a significant amount of time.[/center] [/hider] Adding a NPC [hider=Appearance] [img=http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc304/forgivingnotforgetting/Untitled_zps9f8750bf.jpg][/hider] Name: Dr. August Rould Info: Cyberization specialist, medical doctor, computer genius Relationship: Father