[All other Children are included in this post] [quote=BlackCat] Shen walked over to pantry and grabbed other ingredients.-Flour-Baking Powder-Baking Sodaan a few others she would need. Shen then got out the mixer and put it on the counter. [/quote] Michelle followed Pandora into the kitchen where all of her children had gathered to play. How glamorous it was to see a functioning family that she had possessed, even though their origins would either be despised by normal people or even creatures against her Master's will. In her eyes, they're all her fruit. Her precious fruit worthy of absolute love. She walked to each and every one of them to greet them with a kiss on their cheek and "Good morning, my child." Smiling and finally heading over to Shen and watched her trying to make a dough mixture. "Good morning Shen. What a pleasant smell you've made in the morning."