@mattmanagon: The sistesr are approved, welcome to the retinue. @Pyro V: The revamp is accepted also, just be warned, carrying a daemonblade is going to draw some close watch and suspicion from her peers. @FallenMuse: Both the Vindicare and Callidus are accepted @Crazy Guy: I figure its a mixture of new and old members, so I'll leave it to each person to decide whether they have had some time in the retinue or not. @Mortarian: If an opening does crop up, I'll try and pass word along your way, if you want. And now, allow me to introduce our Inquisitor, more of his background will become apparent as the story progresses. [hider=Inquisitor Xersus] Name: Andros Xersus Gender: Male Age: 148 Appearance: [img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/9502ceca812333e1dfcb3dc3b708a31e/tumblr_ml61quW9By1r21rsxo1_500.jpg] Equipment: Artificer Armor: Expected to stand against the foulest minions of Chaos and defend the Imperium of Man against its gravest threat, both from within and without, Xersus has access to incredible resources, should he need them. One of his most reliable, and well used, pieces of equipment is his personal set of Artificer Armor, blessed and warded against the forces of Chaos. Rather than the ornate designs and colors that some of his fellow inquisitors favor, his armor is a gunmetal silver, lacking the sheen and decoration that other armors have. However, he oft pairs his armor with a crimson cloak attached to his armor, creating an imposing image, an armored figure, bearing lance and fury, to crush the machinations and plans of the Daemon and Heretic. Mastercraft Force Sword: Unlike many of his fellow Malleus inquisitors, Xersus does not favor the Daemonhammer that many others do, finding the size unwieldy and impractical if he is operating without his armor. Instead he favors the reliable, and wide variety of maneuvers he can apply using his personal blade, a gift from his mentor when he attained the rank of Inquisitor many years ago. Deceptively light, even without armored assistance, Xersus could be considered a master of the sword, having spent almost his entire life fielding a blade of some sort or another, and this is only amplified when he pours his psyker powers into the blade, creating a force capable of rending targets far beyond the normal abilities of a sword into pieces, should it be necessary. Mastercraft Storm Bolter: Mounted to his wrist, rather than held, this weapon is only seen when Xersus is in his power armor, providing a fair bit of ranged punch as the Inquisitor closes the gap, each round that the weapon fires Psybolt rounds that, while not as powerful as a Psycannon rounds themselves, are more than capable of utilizing the psyker prowess of its wielder to be charged, tearing apart shields, hostile psykers, and daemons. Due to the ammunition system that this weapon requires, it is only seen when the Inquisitor is wearing his power armor. Inferno Pistol: An ancient pistol that his former mentor used, before disappearing, and left the weapon to his acolyte and now Inquisitor Xersus. A melta weapon compacted into pistol form, but retains the power of larger melta weapons, this particular pistol has banished its fair share of daemons and destroyed plenty of vehicles in its long lifespan, and has done plenty more damage in the hands of Xersus, all in the Emperor's name, of course. Rosarius: An elegant device worn around his neck like a collar, the deceptively small emblem generates a powerful Conversion Field, capable of stopping a wide variety of attacks, including those from hostile psykers. Without his armor, this is dangerous enough, but coupled with his Artificer Armor, all pretense of subtly is gone, if something manages to overcome the shield, the Artificer Armor gives him a better chance to survive the, most likely, weakened attack long enough to get into cover from whatever happened to overcome the Conversion Field. Personality: At a glance, one would not assume that Xersus was an Inquisitor, outside of his armor. He does not maintain that aura of power and position that others might favor, but nor does he simply fade from thought, like some shadow that one is never sure they ever actually saw. He holds himself with a quiet dignity that can be considered rare, and blends in far better than a hidden shadow that prompts some to seek, and a zealot the prompts others to hide. A soul that thirsts for more knowledge and effective ways to defeat the foes of Man, which might concern some, considering the depths of depravity one can find while seeking such things, but a analytical, cautious mind set keeps his thirst for knowledge in check when confronted with things that are far too dangerous to even consider using. This does not mean he is merciful or kind towards those who have fallen so far into the Abyss they no longer serve the Emperor of Man. He watches those who walk the line between Puritan and Radical beliefs carefully, those who are considered Radical more so, though he is more tolerant of their methods than others, though he is more than wary of any treachery they might undertake, taking one too many steps into the darkness and turning on all of their fellows. It is from these brothers and sisters that have fallen so that he holds his cautious attitude towards the most, having seen more damage done by such extremists than could be justified beyond base lusts for bloodshed and power. He has no qualms about executing a radical, but only after evidence has shown they are, indeed, corrupted beyond their worth. All this quiet cautiousness hides the warrior mentality that Xersus displays when put on the front line. The time for subtelty and subterfuge has effectively passed now, and the time for precise, well timed, and overwhelming force has come. Wielding over a hundred years of experience in the arts of war, from the sword to the pysker powers he demonstrates, he believes that, once a crack has been found in the enemies defenses, it must be struck with such overwhelming force that it will leave naught a speck of dust in the remains. He fears no foe, and while caution tempers his actions now, he strides forward when the time comes, no matter the situation, the air crackling with power, and he takes good practice in making his foes fear him more than anything before, for such blind fear can render them even more ineffective than they might have been already. History: -Redacted- [/hider]