It had been a long time. A long time indeed. In the furthest cell pit of the prison. The man in the last cell, the very furthest iron cage from anything, was waiting quietly, like he had gotten used to recently. For the first little while, the pirate had offered a mountain of gold to anyone willing to spring him. But it seemed no one was willing to try. Not even on the word of Octavius Cuttlam. That was understandable, though, all things considered, this place probably wasn't so bad for most of them. Most of them got fed. Most of them had a pile of straw stuffed into the shape of a mattress to sleep on. Not so for the vicious pirate captain. He was heavily restrained, and left to rot. Food came more frequently as time passed and the guards forgot, but atrophy had long since taken its toll. He was in no shape to be yelling or making a scene any longer. Indeed, such a thing would surely induce a swift execution. And since he still held out hope, the lord of the seas held his tongue and waited. Hopefully, though, it wouldn't have to wait much longer. Octavius looked up when he heard rattling outside his cell. It sounded like another prisoner was being paraded into the pit. He chuckled, wondering who was going to get stuck with the new guy. Then, of course, his cell was popped open, and the new guy was tossed in. The captain didn't make a sound, and he didn't move a muscle. The guards had mostly forgotten about him now, and that made things easier. The last thing he needed was someone remembering. And then he heard his cell mate speak. That was no male voice. What was a woman doing down here? He didn't know, but she had to be slippery if they tossed her in this pit. Obviously not too slippery, though, since she was still allowed to move about. What sort of thing would a woman have to do to get tossed in here, but not tied down? The original occupant of the cell was chained to the wall, given only enough slack to get his foot close enough to the door to haul his meals over to him. He couldn't even reach the bed. That was how little they trusted the notorious Captain Cuttlam. It was heartening to know he was that dangerous, but he didn't like sleeping this way. In general, this sort of situation was very uncomfortable. And now he had to share this little room, on top of all that. He snarled when the girl spoke to him. She was still managing that youthful sass, it sounded like, despite her situation. "Yes, hello. I can't fucking help you, obviously, lass." Octavius snapped, glaring up at the woman who struck him as being strange. He didn't know why, but he could feel it. "I'd suggest you leave well enough alone. Let a sleeping dog lie, as it were. Unless of course, you can spring me..." he shook his head, chuckling hopelessly, if only to avoid crying. "The reward for freeing the notorious Captain Cuttlam would be ridiculous, I'm sure." he muttered. "Who ever got me out... Why... I'd cover them in gold..." he made sure to maintain eye contact as he offered his reward to the lady, meeting her gaze with a confident smile more convincing than any other proof he could offer. She was still up and about, she could still do something. "I don't suppose you've heard of me, though, have you?" he asked, curious to see how his name was holding up. Probably not so well. Octavius Cuttlam had not been out and about, causing havoc on the seas, for a very long time. He figured nearly a year, if his count was right. Give or take three months. Time passed differently when it was all spent waiting to rot away. But maybe it could pass normally again. That wasn't on him, though. That was all up to how rich his new cell mate wanted to be. And how little she wanted to be raped to death. That was another factor she might want to consider. He wasn't going to bring it up, but guards tended to get lonely down here. And once they got wind of a woman, well, the neighbourhood would just go out the window, along with her dignity, and then her life...