Vesper followed Jin into the dorm room, taking in the surroundings of the kitchen and living room area. Most of the area was neat and tidy. Plain white walls with dark wooden floors to accent. As Jin went to put away his weapons, Vesper took it upon herself to check out the rest of the dorm. Quickly she noticed three more doors, all made of the same color wood as the floor. She walked over to the first one, which was beside Jin's room and pushed it open easily. The room was mostly empty except for a queen sized bed in the center and a tall wooden wardrobe against the wall. Stepping back out, Vesper turned around after closing the door behind her. The other two doors were places on the wall across from her, and she walked over to those as well, opening the second as she did the first. She gathered the rooms were the same all around, except for one minor detail she noticed here. By the bed in this room, stood a tall bird perch. She tilted her head slightly and Nyx ruffled her feathers. She figured Jin was right about the HM choosing to room Lysander, Jinx, and herself with Jin. She wondered if they would all live well together. Turning back around, she noticed Jin was finished in his room. [i]"And does his choice bother you?"[/i] she asked him curiously.