Name:juston starlach Age:15 [this is in the past where people have shorter lives so in modern day age he would be 28] Gender:male Species:asparian Appearance:he is part of a race known as the asparian which there skin pigmentation is grey and they have red eyes they look alot like dark elfs from skyrim and he wears a redcoat uniform except its purple he has white hair Personality:he hates being alone and he loves teamwork,he doesn't like it when he has no routine or any orders since he been ordered his entire life,hes a good at tactics when it comes to gun powder weapons like muskets,he also doesn't really care very much about morals he just follows orders nothing else Bio:he was on a planet known as alpachia on alpachia it is mostly swampy and when theres no swamp theres oceans and lakes everywhere,his planet has muskets and gunpowder weapons and lots of science,infact a month ago a 'helpful' virus was created and released across his planet,it was supposed to make people smarter but however it turned everyone into a coma and after 2 hours they half-woke up,not aware that they are awake and the virus takes over there brain causing the people to go into a murderous rampage againist anyone who wasn't controlled by the virus,he was part of a army known as the asparian military squad that had to eliminate the virus,this lead to a last stand with his squad againist a group of infecteds,his group was being murdered by the second they all died one by one and as juston saw the last person go down he put his musket pointing againist his own head and perpared to pull the trigger,he wanted to join the rest of his comrads,but a portal appeared right in front of him and flung his gun away from him and sucked him in the portal saving his life,this is where the story starts