Antonia's head twisted over her shoulder as the First Mate strode back into her own quarters. Though the rogue smiled widely as she stood to her full (not considerable) height, she was nevertheless perplexed by Nicolette's lack. Not, of course, that cracking heads together, twisting arms or dropping men to their knees should automatically invite a wide and cheerful smile from anyone. But Antonia sensed there was something else there altogether that... [i]Displeased[/i] the First mate - though for all her skills and insight, even she could not read minds. But Luc did not notice in the least, Nicolette's mood, whether it be foul or fair. He was simply glad for a story, glad for the laughter and images his [i]Tante[/i] 'Tonia always brought to his mind's eye with her tales, and the mere presence of that golden, angelic woman. Oh, that sweet wide smile said that much as he slipped from the chair. Without much of a thought, Luc followed after the First Mate to the side board, watching all she did curiously. And when she slipped the small pink and white lozenge toward him, his face positively shown with the light of his simple, uncomplicated joy. "Thank you [i]Mademoiselle[/i] Beauchamp," Luc said, taking the lozenge and placing it on his tongue, savoring the cool, refreshing sweetness of it. He liked the flavor of peppermint and some, like this one, had a little touch of burn to them, and he opened his mouth to innocently enjoy the tingly breath, like a frigid wind, that blew softly over his tongue. Was Luc's stomach actually flipping over with seasickness? Oh no, not in the least. But he would not turn away any gift from Nicolette Beauchamp, great or small. The boy's dark, amber-lit eyes widened at an idea that skipped through his head, and he grinned. Luc knew Nicolette was the ship's surgeon, and would certainly require no payment for her services, great or small, but he truly wanted to give her even a little something anyway, some token of thanks for her small consideration. "I'm afraid you missed [i]Tante[/i] 'Tonia's story, [i]Mademoiselle[/i] Beauchamp. But there is one that I know - well, of course my [i]Tante[/i] told me it some time ago - but I could share the story if you like, a fairy tale! Antonia leaned against the wall of the First Mate's quarters, her arms folded over her chest as her head rested against the planks. She watched the two of them, woman and boy, and simply waited, nothing but the most light-hearted and patient expression on her face, one that promised she was in absolutely no hurry in the least.