Kiri looked to the young fox cursed child who was seemingly in massive amount of pain. There no need to seem to be anymore sad, then she was on the inside. No, she knew this was the situation. She smiled kindly to Mai, and walking closer to Marius, she placed her hand on her head, making sure not to press to much on any wounds. “You did well Mai, just hold your hands closed lightly.” She whispered sweetly as she noticed the people that were clearly in the suspicion list she looked over to the seemingly dying from hunger other Cursed child and walked closer to her. Grabbing her chin lightly to make her look at her, and she looked over her eyes. Checking by minor poking for reactions from her and then looked to Marius. “You'll need to bring Mai to one of scientists in this region, also remember to tell them that the Nomura Corperation is paying for this. We'll pay full cost to bring her back. Tell them she also has...all her needed...papers.” She stated, it hurt her inside to have to leave them. But there was a few people she needed to deal with first. “Once you are done that, get 2 of the pmc groups to watch over her, and make sure we have access to the files. I want you to come back, and we'll deal with the detective then. We don't have much time, so be sure to use the car to full potential. Remember to switch out.” She stated after she patted the Cursed Child on the head. “bring her aswell. I'll send a contact to Flint and tell him about the situation. I'm sure he'll be able to set up rooms if need be in my mansion.” She stated as she pulled out her phone and walked towards the car. Seemingly to move rather quickly. Putting the phone on the seat she pulled out a handle and then a blade. Shining in the sunlight as it's master craftsmen ship was visible to the naked eye. “It seem's i'll have to interrogate some people.” she stated, her face never seeming to change into an angered form as she looked to the man who had come over from the corner. Pulling out another phone from her other pocket she pressed a few buttons on it, as it sent Flint a message in code explaining the situation. Atleast all he needed to know. She moved towards the man, walking past Marius. “Remember, every second counts Marius. The longer you are away, the less human some of these people become.” She finished before taking off towards one of the people. “SIR I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR BASEBALL BAT!” She screamed in a rather feminine manner as her fitness proved how fast she was. Closing the distance between the two rather quickly. Her face holding no hostility...aside from the seeming glowing blade that was being held back behind her. ******* Hizumi was glad the new recruit was willing to check it out on a more personal level. Though of course, Takeshi and him may as well just be in the same pool when it came down to experience. He looked to his partner who was seeming rather silent. But he could already tell that she was probably waiting for his command. She seemed to be rather, intelligent, in aspect that she was watching carefully his reactions. Almost as though she was trying to figure out the true him, instead of intruding on this conversation that seemed to not really take part of whom or what she did. “It's a good call Takeshi.” he stated and looked to the detective who had been ready to begin the breifing. “We'll take a personal look at the situation in the apartments. I think it's best you keep your officers outside of course. Notify us of anything you see. I don't think you should come with us, as by protocol you can't be it.” He finished as he sighed looking to Takeshi. “So we'll go in then.” The detective merely let out a loose sigh. “Listen, you can't go in there and get killed. I know the black metal like stuff is what kills and harms them. But I don't want two newbies getting taken out okay? Normura wouldn't enjoy it, and nor would I. Just check out the inside. Take some pictures, and then we'll work it more out in a safe area. I've spent a good amount of time in the field so, I should be of some help. Remember, using resources is always a good and important thing.” He finished as he pulled out the key. For the complex. “We locked down the majority of the building. But you guys should beable to get in and check it out. Just remember that if it's still in there...or well if it's a person. Try not killing the person. We'd like to question them if they aren't infected.” He finished as he tossed the key lightly to Takeshi. “I know you don't have a partner, but just take it easy. 2 Promoters and one Initiator shouldn't be to bad.” he stated calmly as he pointed to some of the men who would follow them to the doors before they would break off from them. “Best of luck, and lets hope this is just a murder case instead of an infection...though neither are good, at least one doesn't bring out monsters.”