[center][b]Lilly[/b][/center] "Well when I was 8 my mother and father divorced. They didn't divorce because of fights or anything, but because of them just not liking each other anymore. I was their only child. they never fought to be my favorite and my dad would still come over and eat dinner with us at least 3 nights a week. But, at the age of 11 my mother wanted to move. So, we moved. My dad didn't want to be far away from me so he quite his job and moved with us. He got a house and everything close to us. My dad met a new woman and my mother met a new man. Still my father would eat with us at least 3 nights a week. Both my parents getting remarried and everything didn't change anything. But just last year I met a girl who wanted to come to this school. After getting to know her she convinced me to come with her. My parents gave me the money and all the supplies I needed. so, at the age of 15 me and the girl came here. But, as soon as we got her she had to go home due to an accident she wouldn't tell me about. That's pretty much it. I hope I didn't bore you to death." Lilly said with a smile looking at Lorenzo. Lilly was happy to tell them about her childhood.