[b] Emma - Haywood - Katie [/b] Relief flooded Emma as Katie jumped into her arms, and she returned the gesture, drying the tears from her cheeks. "No- no, baby, I had no idea and neither did Daniel. By the time we found out, it was too late to help him..." She muttered. "D-daniel didn't kill Bull, Daniel is a good man; maybe the best I know. Do you remember that mean man from your first night? He was bad, and he is the reason why a lot of people died tonight." Emma pulled back and rested her hands on the little girl's shoulders. "I know- I know its not fair... A lot of things aren't fair, Katie. Bull didn't deserve to die, my daddy didn't deserve to die... its never fair... but its life, and we have to do what we can to live with it. [b] Daniel - Haywood - Abram, O'Connor, Rob, Anthony and Noah [/b] Daniel jumped from his seat on the couch in alarm as Abram raced in with Rob and O'Connor at his side. "C'mon, kid, we got a herd outside, someone's shouting for help!" The younger soldier nodded to his senior officer and took off, leaving Lauren in her seat. The doctor instructed Rob to stay, as his wound was going to reopen if he moved anymore, and then joined the men. The three of them dashed towards the gates, and forced the left side open. He could see a man and a young boy running towards them, behind them- behind them came a herd of over a dozen walkers. Daniel Crowe swore aloud, producing his axe from his belt. Instantly, Abram unshouldered his rifle, dropped to one knee, and aimed down the scope. A walker was only a few feet behind the little boy, Abram lined up the shot. Despite a frightened look on the newcomer's face, Abram fired a round directly past the boy's head and into the rotting skull of the biter behind him. For an ameteur marksman, that would have been a stupid shot, probably ending up with the death of the boy. However, Abram was nothing close to an ameteur. To him, the motions of the shot were second nature. Daniel's first swing came down right as the man and the boy reached them, and he brought his axe heavily down on the walker's skull. The five hurried to the gates, Abram and Daniel forcing the left door shut, and latching it in place, just in time to stop the herd from getting in. Abram turned to Daniel, to whom he threw the sniper rifle. Daniel turned it and chambered a round with the bolt. "Put your weapons down, sir!" He commanded. The man was obviously a father, so Daniel hoped it would mean he had good intentions, but he couldn't make that assumption so fast.