69 Name: Eric Bones Age: 27 Height: 6'5" Weight: 196 Equipment: - Large school backpack with plenty of pockets - Several t-shirts - extra pair of jeans - 1 half-empty lighter - duck-tape - one time use light-stick - small tarp - stuff stack blanket - 2 large full water bottles - 20 foot coil of thick paracord Weapons: - Eric engineered his own weapon. It is consisting of a steel rake with the head broken off, clipped to a [url=http://www.gerbergear.com/var/gerber/storage/images/frontpage/survival/knives/survival-series-ultimate-knife_31-000751/294133-46-eng-US/Bear-Grylls-Ultimate-Fixed-Blade-Knife_fulljpg.jpg]survival knife[/url] from his uncle, so it looks like a spear. The knife can become unattached if needed. One side of the knife is Previous Occupation: Owner of a bar Appearance: [url=http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F15554707%2Falexander-skarsgard-6_large.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pics-searcher.appspot.com%2F%3Fimage%3Dtrue-blood-eric-northman-wallpaper&h=375&w=500&tbnid=Pdhen-yHjx8B3M%3A&zoom=1&docid=KPapI20iOo7XeM&ei=Gyb0U8vlIOHtigLVtoCQCw&tbm=isch&ved=0CF0QMygjMCM&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=577&page=2&start=17&ndsp=31]Eric Bones[/url] Anything that you cant see in the picture. A small cut through his left eyebrow the prevents hair growing. Very muscular. Bio: Eric thought it strange when his customers started biting each other. Of course weird things always happened in the bar, but biting people was stranger than normal. Much stranger. One of them even tried to bite him. Ridiculous what some people tried to do when they were drunk enough. Clearing out his bar took some work, but somehow Eric managed not to get bit. At this point he had realized that these biting people were not just weird drunks. Must have been from the dead people lieing around his bar. Packing up some basic emergency supplies from his back room, Eric took off into the night. A year later Eric was wandering the country always on the lookout for a safe place and supplies. In the past year he had come to accept walkers as a normal part of every day life. He had encounters with groups of survivors, but they never ended up well. Most of them tried to kick him out because of his cynical attitude. However Eric didn't mind, living alone was a simpler life. Unfortunately the one problem he always ran into was finding a place to settle down into. Most places were filled with Walkers or trashed by raiders. Or just not up to his standard. Eric always had a high standard of living. Many speared Walkers later Eric met a small group of people. He was traveling through the forest in order to avoid a hoard of Walkers when he ran into them. A bunch of adrenaline-pumped idiots. Before he could get a single demeaning word out, one of them had shot him in the leg. The bullet tore through his upper leg, fortunately missing the bone, and pushed all the way through. In short it was a very lucky place to get shot. However he was shot, something Eric wasn't to happy about. After promising to kill everyone of them, the junkies decided to put Eric out. One of them slammed his head with a shovel. It was hard enough to knock it out and leave a gash in his forehead, but not enough to kill him. When he woke up the first thing that he saw was a walker. The demented thing had smelled his blood and was making it's way through the trees. Scrambling to his feet, his leg and head screaming in pain, Eric limped out of the way of the oncoming dead. Seemingly years later, but what must have been only a few minutes, Eric made it to a small farm house. It was near the edge of the forest. He struggled up to the house, looking for any signs of life. At this point he had lost much of his blood and was feeling very light headed. Eric didn't want to leave the house unchecked, before passing out so he moved to the front door to check inside. Before he could so much as touch the door handle the lack of blood caused him to faint. He collapsed like a sack on the front porch with a loud bang. It was there that he met the group. They nourished him back to health as much as possible. He has mostly recovered from his injuries, only a slight limp now. He is remaining with them for the time being until he can think of something better to do. Until the times comes Eric will stay with them and travel where they go. He supposed it was a miracle they hadn't kicked him out by now, so he might as well stick around for a while.