Alfons stepped down the steps of a street side store with a small bag in his hands, the sound of ringing as the door closed behind him being heard to those who were conveniently on the sidewalk. It had been yet another day of hiding and blending with society in order to survive, one that has become increasingly difficult over the years of his concealment. He knew times were shifting and something was surfacing that could endanger his life of regretful peace. Just thinking about this whole ordeal plagued him with immense guilt, but it was something he had to shrug off and keep on walking. [i]Hunters arriving.. The scent of destruction is drifting through the air.. Now more people are potential threats, but hopefully this keeps any of those associated hunting for me off my back.[/i] The lycan thought as he made his way down the sidewalk towards his home, a room in an apartment complex which he had kept up very well. Unlike other trips, though this one felt like it took hours, and thankfully the outside conditions weren't bad enough for him to worry about anything that could run up and stab him. The silver in him still poisoned him, and it occasionally caused him to cough under his breath and even sway, but other than that he was able to control most of it's effects. Eventually he got to the steps of his home, and he looked up at the apartment complex for a long minute before starting up the steps towards his residence. [i]This hiding will eventually come to a halt. I must be prepared for when I am caught by anyone... If only I could seek aid from my old friends.[/i]