[i] People in these lands are so strange. [/i] "Aye. I'll go with you." Said Mihai'en to the young man who was currently [i] not [/i] climbing a tree. "It's probably the wiser option not to consort with demons. They're nothing but trouble." [i] Says the dragon and kingslayer, [/i] thought Mihai'en bitterly. The young man's face was scarred, and he had a look in his eyes that begat anger. Not an anger at him, though, just a general bewailment at his lot in life. [I] Aye, that's a thing I know well enough. [/i] There was a difference betwixt the two of them, though. The lad seemed driven by his anger, directed towards a single, outward source. Mihai'en was driven by his desire for repentance. [I] We have both known pain. We've merely taken different paths in handling it. [/i] "I'm By-, Mihai'en," he said, outstreching his hand. "Might I know your name?"