The character I'm going to describe wasn't mine, but I did have the displeasure of being in an RP with them. They were pretty much a real degenerate street trash/gang lord type character, casually raping people and even preforming hideously deforming assaults on them (like raping them with a knife or some other implement, and once branding (you know, hot iron style?) someone hit bitch). The only way you could put a positive spin on what they did was that they never discriminated between men and women when performing such acts. They also brutalised an entire city by way of gang war simply because someone kidnapped his girlfriend. He didn't know who, he just decided to run around killing until someone came forward. The kicker was that the guy playing him felt offended when people treated him like the villain XD My most deplorable character? A man in the same RP. He in fact was the one that took his girlfriend, and forced her through what can only be called psychological torture. He then contacted the guy and arranged to hand over his girlfriend, but manipulated her into telling him she didn't want anything to do with him anymore. This by proxy made him responsible for the guy going nuts and creating a second wave of city wide violence. He then waited for them to come attack him in his own compound, and set up a trap to out him as the man responsible for all the brutality in the city. And he got away from that encounter quite unharmed, while the psychopath was labelled public enemy number 1. The reason I chose to describe the rapist creeper first is because, according to other members of the RP, my guy looked heroic by comparison XD The point of his actions were to root out the gangs in the city, the only thing stopping him from actually being heroic was the fact he used torture and murder to get results (sometimes, he would just go out on the town and straight up butcher gangsters).