Hopefully this character is up to snuff! [u]Personal Information[/u] [b]Name:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/vv9xt.jpg]Thaddeus Gresham Kingsley[/url] [b]Alias/ Nickname (If Any):[/b] Thane, T, King [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Cabin:[/b] 13 - Hades [u]Family[/u] [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Thanatos [b]Human Parent:[/b] Lydia Kingsley [half Greek/half English] [u]General Information[/u] [b]Likes:[/b] Rain, Tacos, The night sky, High places, Novels, Bitter foods, Stubborn people, Passion [b]Dislikes:[/b] Death, His Father, Violence, Mud, Loneliness, The colour orange [b]Talents:[/b] Cooking and Singing, often at he same time. He also enjoys photography and exploring and, if given the chance, will wander off into the woods for hours. [b]Biography:[/b] Life was straight out of a Greek tragedy for Thane, his being a demigod his curse. It wasn't until his third year of life that the family resemblance began to make itself known, his left arm turning black like obsidian stone over the course of a single night, his demi-godhood seeming to suddenly awaken. He was found by his grandfather three days later, his mother's lifeless body sprawled out across his nursery. When his grandfather went to him, he reeled back in horror at the sight of Thane's arm, unsure what to make of it. He knew vaguely of his grandson's father, the man having told Thane's mother that he was the hand of death, Thanatos. His grandfather had thought the man a madman until now, seeing the hand that brought death upon his daughter. His grandfather wrapped Thane's arm in bandages, carefully ensuring that every centimeter of flesh was properly covered. He never spoke of what Thane did to his mother, not wanting to force him to bear such a burden, though the memory of that day had forever been burned into his mind's eye. Thane spent his youth rarely leaving his house, his grandfather not exactly sure what to do with him. His grandfather tried his best to educate Thane, though Thane took the initiative to teach himself while his Grandfather went to work as an accountant. Money was never much of an issue and food was always on the table, but Thane rarely felt happy hiding away from the world in his Grandfather's ancient home, feeling so far away from the rest of the world. Thane developed a habit of sneaking out in the dead of night with a Polaroid camera to explore the small town he lived in, it being his only way to really feel alive. Those were the times he was happiest though as with all good things, they must eventually come to an end. His grandfather had developed pneumonia and was on his way out. He revealed a letter he had kept hidden for sixteen years that his mother had meant to give him once he was old enough. It was a letter from his father, Thanatos, directing him to the camp of half bloods, where he could live with fewer worries. Thane's last night with his grandfather he held his hand, giving him a peaceful passing. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]itBUWsjOQFk[/youtube] [u]Weapon Information[/u] [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Αιώνια Ειρήνη - Eternal Peace [b]Weapon Type:[/b] Left arm [b]Weapon Appearance:[/b] The skin of his left arm from the shoulder down has darkened to the point that its obsidian in color, his nails having followed suit as well. [b]Attributes:[/b] The most notable thing he inherited from his father was the a muted touch of death which only inhabits his left arm. His touch to mortals draws them into a state of unconsciousness after approximately eight seconds and, should he continue, within a matter of seconds death is sure to follow. The effect it has on demigods and mythical beings has yet to be tested and will remain untested if Thane has his way. In order for his [i]weapon[/i] to be used, he requires hand to skin contact, which is made difficult with the bandages he wraps his arm in.