69 Name: Blake Cross Age: 45 Height: 5'8" Weight: 160Kg Equipment: Sturdy leather boots and jacket A large duffel bag to carry his supplies Swiss Army knife A set of water purification tablets Water bottles A few cans of food A bottle of cheap whiskey A bedroll Keys for the truck silo A small flashlight on his keychain Set of road maps Compass GPS with half a battery Weapons: A small and unused hatchet, a hunting rifle and 2 small boxes of ammo about 40 shots. Previous Occupation: Trucker Appearance: [img]http://blog.c1training.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/truck-driver-image.jpg[/img] Bio: It was Blake's day off when the dead first began to rise, he was in his apartment sipping beer and flicking through the channels and only really heard about a few isolated incidents on the news. When he fell asleep that night he didn't expect the world to change so much overnight...His past, his life, everything he used to care about was suddenly useless and meant nothing. Blake stayed in his apartment, boarding up the windows with furniture and lying low until his food ran out. The power went out and the stuff in his freezer went bad quickly, he wasn't especially close to his neighbours so he never bothered checking on them. Finally he snuck out, taking the most useful stuff and heading out to find a supposed safe zone. He'd made the wrong call, the dead hadn't made it to his neighbourhood for a few days so if he'd have left a few days earlier he might have escaped. The large town he lived in was of little concern for the military and so it was up to him to make his own way out, he joined a small group that was holding out in the town's main bar and they managed to hold out for about a week before the decided to try and move on. Blake lead them to the truck silo on the outskirts of town where he previously worked, together the group managed to get the keys for an RV that was being temporarily held in the silo and it looked as though they were all going to make it. With full tank of fuel and a fridge stuffed with supplies the group set out onto the back roads and tried to head to D.C, assuming that would be a safe place. They never made it to the capital, walker hordes and blocked roads forced them to search elsewhere and one by one the group died out until it was just Blake and the RV. It was about eleven months after the outbreak that he met up with his current group, a chance encounter lead him to picking them up in the RV by the side of the road and joining them on the journey north.