Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Name: Chester "Chess" Dune Age: 38 Height: 5'9" Weight: 170 Ethnicity: Caucasian Build: Stocky Personality: Blunt, somewhat crude, tends to get in people's faces and can be quick to anger. Despite those unsavory aspects there is a heart of gold underneath all the rust that is his personality it's just deep down. Chester can very outgoing and will speak mind constantly, weather it's to his benefit or not. What friends he did have he always treated well and was fiercely loyal, however betrayal time and time again has left him someone hesitant to stick with people as of the past few years. And contrary to his looks he's not completely incompetent, however book smart wouldn't be the proper word to describe him, something he could care less about. Job: Waste Management/Criminal Residency: Outward District History: Before coming to Byzantium, Chess had little in the ways of work. He was a garbage man for while, and he stuck with it for a while just because it payed so well, earth was basically one giant landfill anyway. He had already be inured in way robbing and petty theft at an early age and it was second nature to him despite having an ongoing job. He fortunately managed to hide his identity on earth while robbing, securing his entrance into Byzantium. He ratted out his old crew on earth after one tried to kill him and get away with all the money, and thereby securing them to not show up on Byzantium, despite this he worries they'll somehow find away. At first when he was screened and given a job in 'Waste Management' he was ready to fight someone, thinking it was a glorified term for garbage man, however he ended up in warehouse with tons of other schlubs sorting through Earth trash looking for anything worth while. he considered it a step up in the world of garbage. Even though he once again had a job, he managed to maintain his life of crime, theft isn't as easy as he came to found out on Byzantium, but the punishment can be. Chess has been caught twice, the first one was a major robbery, where someone had seen his face. A few weeks in room, saying yes and no when you need to is just a prolonged slap on the wrist. However the guards down in the Outward don't like him so much anymore, something they'll just have to deal with. The second time was a little harsher, a mild public disturbance turned into outright fighting. Chess just bides his time, working, watching graviskate games, and getting drunk, the real fun in his life is robberies. He just need to trust a few people and to find the right place and time. Other: He collects 'Junk' from earth that holds importance to him, usually small things, old keys, kick-knacks from a time long gone.