He felt sore and a heavy painfully feeling in his chest. His fingers twitching, sensing the grains of sand under them. A fast feeling of wonder passing thought his head. Death was lot more painfully then he awaited. His lungs contracted pushing ,the water he swallowed, out. His body turning to the side as a strong cough ripped thought his neck.The air feeling cold, sharp and beautifully feeling his chest up. Breathing in gulps, and still weakly coughing his hand went thought his drenched hair. He was wet, but what happened? He was sure that the fall into the sea. He was sinking...How...? Then he turned around his eyes opening to see where he was. A alcove, how did he came here? He sat up some more trying to spot someone. He couldnt have came here on his own. Did maybe the sea trow him out? No he didnt believe it. His ears peeking up the sounds of the storms, even when he stretched his neck he could see it outside. Confirming his ears, that the sea was still violent. His arms felt sore but he still flapped them hard to shock some of the water off himself. If the waves would have thrown him out it would be with force, which would be bad for him. Broken bones if not death would be for sure. Which neither he had. His breath calming a bit down holding his head to not feel as hazed and dizzy as he did. How did he came here? As a answer to his question and confusion he noticed dragging marks. His hunter eyes focused on those, reading it that someone drag him out the water. It couldnt be more then a few short minutes from then. Wobbly he stood on his legs and stepped closer to the water. Being on the edge of it, he looked into the sea. Trying to spy anything out. His eyes born for spying fishes who swam close to the surface out for the next meal, did notice something.A shadow deeper and bigger then the fish the harpy hunt. ''Is there someone?!'' He called out his winged hands flapping again for balance. Even if he was right and there was someone it could be only a merman or mermaid? But those would only drag him deeper. ''Did you save me?!'' He called out, one leg raising and the feet curling in, standing on only one foot. He was afraid, ready to fly up if something reached out for him. Thats how he was raised, but if any of those did drag him out of the water..saving him. Then there was one thing he at least had to do. Even if it was just toying with his life for fun. Even if they would for fun drag him back into the sea, playing some sick game. His leg lowering settling down on earth once again. ''Thank you!'' His voice echoed several moment of silents after his question. Tiredness was lingering there in his body the whole time, and pulled him down on the sand to sit again. He would slept but he couldnt let his guard down. Watching the water he started to brush his hair with his fingers feeling the water still drop of him. It will take a while before he could fly again. A thunder making him shudder as if telling him that flying was indeed out of question.