[center][img][/img][/center] Nolan woke up to a pounding head and a dry throat, the result of last night's drinking. Unlike Luro, the man had less tolerance for alcohol, but then again, it seemed as if [i]everyone[/i] had less tolerance for rum when compared to Luro. That man, ha, he was practically a drinking machine. The last few events were a tad hazy, but a smile crept onto the cook's face. Simply enjoying the evening with his crewmates, it felt wonderful. He allowed himself a few more minutes of lying about before he finally got to his feet and fixed up his bed. Nolan made sure to tidy up the room and as soon as that was done he exited and made his way to the hall. There, he was greeted by a young chef. The woman had on an impeccably white apron. "That queen told us to prepare some recipes and ingredients for you," she gave him a smile. "We appreciate what you've all done for Waterdeep, so it's the least we can do." She noticed the embarrassed look on Nolan's face and laughed. "No buts! We're sending you off with the best vegetables, meat, and spices this place has to offer." She began waving a spatula in his face, her expression almost devious. "Like I said, orders from the king and queen so no buts!" He laughed. "Thank you, but are you sure? And, will they throw me in the dungeon if I refuse?" "Aye! The dungeons." She narrowed her eyes. "You can't disobey the king and queen." "Aright, alright, this is too kind of you." Nolan lit up and despite his throbbing head managed to give her an energetic bow. Despite his love for traveling and the ocean, cooking had and will always be his first love (Aside from Annie) and he was ecstatic. Experimenting with new ingredients would be fun and he was sure his friends would enjoy the new recipes as well. He was led into the kitchen and bags of groceries were stuffed into his arms. Nolan returned to the Coral Pearl like a mule that had been overloaded with all sorts of items, but despite that, he had on a huge smile that was a tad too big for his face. "Captain, Kai!" He greeted them cheerfully from afar, swayed to the left a bit, before making his way up the ramp. "They gave us all sorts of expensive meat and vegetables, there's even an entire pouch of spices! Order anything and I'll have the best meal cooked up in now time." He noticed how the captain and Kai were looking out at the sea. "Are the others here?"